Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Slouching Toward the Apocalypse - Are Republicans Losing Their Way?

It looks to me like the GOP may be irredeemably divided. The liberal Republicans won't vote for a serious conservative like Jim Jordan and the conservatives won't vote for a RINO like Tom Emmer. The party seems stuck between 25 "radical" Republicans and 25 RINOs. At least that's how they think of each other. There are some 60 or 70 Republicans in the middle that seem eager to vote for anybody, just so they're a Republican. The divisions in the party threatens to push entire nation over the tipping point. 
Meanwhile, the Democrats are firmly aligned behind Hakeem Jeffries (and with a foreign sounding name like Hakeem who can blame them). The party of Jackson, Wilson, FDR, Johnson (and other assorted racists) has successfully raised virtue signaling to a fine art and a House Speaker with an Arabic name (though he's a Northern Baptist by religion), like a President named Barak, helps establish Democrat street cred as the anti-racists they aren't.    
The level of confusion on the Christian right may be another sign of the end. I am excluding the radical lunatic right, of course as they every bit the gadflies that the radical left are, but far less useful. They don't march on command after all.

The pope (Frances the Jesuit) is, I'm sure, still praying for the global government with teeth. Pope Benedict (a more direct sort of pontiff being German and all) called for in in his third papal encyclical and which has been firmly seconded by Frances. 
I'm not sure, though, who took charge of answering that particular prayer. After the chaos that will result from trying to corral free people into socialist collectives, I have my suspicions.

At any rate, the Congress is limited, for the time being, in its power to meddle in our lives. I count that as a positive in all of this. As Mark Twain said, probably borrowing the idea from some other pundit - he did that a lot:

© 2023 by Tom King


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