Tuesday, February 23, 2021


If you get a message that says, "Look what I found!", DON'T LOOK ETHEL.Or as Admiral Akbar put it, "IT'S A TRAP!".

I got hit with a phishing message that automatically forwarded this thing to everyone on my list.  I was asleep at the time. I don't know how this bloody thing works, but I think it's looking for your password. Needless to say, don't give it to them..

Meanwhile, I''m deleting over a thousand messages this thing sent out in my name - one by one since nothing works to delete them in mass.
Heck I don't even know how to forward a message to everyone on my list. Facebook has deleted the original poster so it shouldn't go any further, but if you see anything like this going forward delete it. I suspect this guy will try to send it again, if it hasn't already replicated itself so much that it's going to be a mess. 

 This would be a good place for FB to engage an algorithm to hunt it down and delete it. FB has taken down the original poster's account so that's good. I want to thank Facebook for shutting down Mr. Davis' account before the virus he spread amongst us by Messenger could go too terribly far. Now if only they could create an algorithm that would delete all those posts.

At any rate, I finally deleted all the malware posts. Not sure how to prevent this. Like I said, I was asleep at the time, so I don't know how this one was forwarded. Just make sure you don't hit enter anywhere in the message. Delete it quick and don't open it and you won't have to spend your day deleting messages you don't want to attack your friends like I just did.



Saturday, February 20, 2021

Restoring the Hereditary Nobility - The Socialist Shell Game


The United States of America was formed in 1776 and founded on a radical principle; one that had been floating around the English speaking world for quite some time. It was a radical notion that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. 
This idea rocked the European nobility in particular because it was seen as a threat to their comfy if occasionally dangerous positions. It was bad enough that their squabbles among themselves ever so often cost one or the other of them their heads. That was just the hazard of being nobility. But the very idea that the ignorant rabble might want to get into the power game horrified them. Why, farmers and shopkeepers might make themselves presidents and prime ministers and start telling the dukes and barons and viscounts what to do. Pamphlets began circulating espousing the "divine right of kings."  But ideas like those of John Locke and the evidence provided by the fledgling United States which was founded on the ideas of Locke and other egalitarian philosophers, were powerful and found an eager audience among the downtrodden and oppressed.
By the mid 1800s, particularly in America, there had grown to be a powerful prejudice against the ruling classes. The fading nobility and upper classes of Europe and America, desperate to reestablish the idea of hereditary ruling classes, seized on Darwin and Marx as tools to change things back. The new "scientific" doctrine of survival of the fittest was, for them, proof that genetically superior persons and their offspring were endowed by nature itself with the capacity to rule. By layering Darwin atop Marx they could make the argument for the idea of a ruling class being "natural".
This of course was a thinly veiled bit of propaganda, useful in making the case that there should be but two classes - the leaders of the people class and the proletariat. It was also a nice bit of philosophy that justified the leader class's privilege and prestige. It was little more than a recycling of the "divine right of kings" argument. 
Socialism was seen as a way to restore the divine right, if not of kings, then at least of genetically superior smart people. There's a reason so many progressive / socialist countries have dynasties. Entitled tyrannies are Satan's favorite form of government. Centralized power means Lucifer has fewer people to deceive in order to do the most evil with the least effort. And make no mistake about it. Satan, per his original dispute with God, believes that free will is dangerous and that the way to handle humans is by rigid control. Little images of God running loose with their creativity and their ability to choose he argued were just too dangerous to order and stability. The old devil believed we needed someone like him to tell us humans what to do (and more importantly, what not to do.) It's why the old monarchies and the new socialist societies have had such lovely Gestapos, KGBs, Pravdas, pogroms, genocides, gulags, extermination camps and reeducation centers. 
THAT is the great controversy of our world - freedom vs tyranny. Christianity vs Progressivism, BF Skinner, Freud, Nietzsche, Marx and Darwin vs Jesus, Locke, Lewis. and White. God never intended that there should be a ruling class. He warned the Israelites against choosing a king. The very first king of Israel quickly proved that God was right about monarchies.

And yet today, down near the end of the world or at least the end of the humans on it who seemed determined to exterminate themselves, we wonder after the Beast, looking for a god of stone and fire, made in our own image. We seek gods we think we can control - human surrogate gods that reassure us that our fate is in our own hands and that no matter what horrors we commit along the way, we will have our utopia on our own terms. A utopia established by our own works, without submitting to any God, especially to a God who thinks we shouldn't sin and who won't come down at our insistence that He make Himself visible to us and behave like we think He ought to. We say, "If there was a God, then he would......" and then name something God would do if they were Him.

The thing is, God actually did come down and make Himself visible to us and showed us His character. And what did we do?  Because He didn't do it the way we thought, because He didn't come with power, fire, thunder and lightning to destroy our enemies and praise our leaders as we thought He ought to, we crucified Him. But for all our efforts to pound God into submission, to make Him into our image, God remains His own larger-than-life self, and we remain petulant children throwing tantrums before Him.

It explains the temper tantrums by the human supremacists among us when they don't get their way. It also explains the temper tantrums by the human supremacists when they do get their way and some of us don't genuflect to them in obeisance because they won.
Because things don't work the way we think they ought, we habitually look around among ourselves for someone to blame for our troubles. 
Oddly enough, we always seem to settle on people. who are happy and content to trust in their Maker, people who are content and not as miserable as ourselves, to blame for the world not working the way we think it ought to. 
Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that the actual God, the one not make of stone, and human narcissism, is, as CS Lewis described Him, "...not a tame lion."  There are no levers we can pull, no magic incantations we can say that will make God dance to the tune we want to play.

And that frightens people, or at least the ones who place no faith in Him who created us. So they look around for someone to blame, someone to put into reeducation camps, someone to imprison, torture and kill in a vain attempt to silence their own fears. It's always about power because the great deception that the devil has perpetrated is that seizing power for yourself is the only way to protect you from the consequences of your sins. But we cannot sin with impunity for the wages of sin is inevitably, death. 

And that really frightens them and makes them dangerous. But as I keep telling people, Jesus is coming soon and it's not a conquest this time around. It's a rescue mission. After the world immolates itself and has time to rest a thousand years, then we will return to an Earth made new without dictators, princes and potentates. No tax man, no police, no armies, no funeral directors.

Progress will be in our own hands after all. God built that wonderful gift of self-determination into us. Now that the sin has been cleansed from us and we have seen first hand what comes of evil, no one will need to be coerced, bullied, or thrown in jail to keep the peace. No one will desire to have power over anyone else. Mankind will be free to build, explore and create things we can only imagine and some things we aren't able to imagine. As my friend Steve used to describe it, "Always another tomorrow." I could really get into that, you know?

© 2021 by Tom King 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Biden Threatens to Ban Travel to Florida

Signing those orders, Biden sets a record while trying to neutralize all the good Trump's done.


And the plot thickens.

China Joe is contemplating to close some states, put hundreds of thousands more out of work (he's found another pipeline to close), and seems dead set on wrecking the economy. A ban of travel to Florida looks more like a punishment for Florida's success at riding out this trumped up pandemic mess, than it looks like protecting Americans from an actual threat. I expect him to ban travel to Texas next, although it looks like he may target California next. Hey, you people voted for this clown and he's already planning to further wreck your economy.

Marco Rubio wrote the ersatz president a letter in which he said this. “Instituting a travel ban, or any restriction of movement between the states would be an outrageous, authoritarian move that has no basis in law or science. Instead, it would only serve to inflict severe and devastating economic pain on an already damaged economy,”

Isn't crashing the economy the point, Marco? Don't forget the Obama/Biden administration was a big fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy (crash the economy/reset the US as a socialist nation). They haven't mentioned "The Great Reset" lately, but you can bet it's on their minds. 

We may be able to do something about it when Congressional elections come up in 2022, if we last that long before we spiral down into the totalitarian socialist hellhole the Democrats have envisioned for us. Most of the Democrat leadership have already got two or three dachas bought and paid for (in Biden's case, apparently, with his cut of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese bribes they paid his boy Hunter). 
If these people aren't stopped,* it's not going to be long before Jesus has to come and get us. As Ronald Reagan pointed out 40 years ago, we are the last best hope for mankind. If we fall there's no place left to flee to. And that's the point. Satan's victory complete.

And I am not exaggerating here. And all you leftist activists out there who think you'll get to be part of the
Nomenklatura. What a shock it will be when each one finds find himself just another member of the proletariat.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

© 2021 by Tom King

*In saying "stopped" let me make perfectly clear that I am not instructing my millions of mindless robot readers to threaten, harm, kidnap, blow up, pepper spray, shoot with bullets or paintballs, set fire to residences of, or inconvenience any member of the Democrat Party in any way other than to vote them out of office as soon as humanly possible. Stick that in your legal brief and smoke it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

I Am Neither Anti-Immigration Nor Anti-Immigrant

I understand from certain professors in my own church that I am, to my horror, anti-immigrant. Despite no evidence to support this allegation, I am apparently damned as an immigrant hater because I didn't vote for Joe Biden.


I am an admitted conservative and as everybody knows we are racists and anti-immigration.
But let me tell you a secret. We conservatives are not anti-immigration nor anti-immigrant. There's a word missing in that judgment. The word is ILLEGAL! The truth is that people like me have supported legal immigration of refugees throughout our history and these immigrants have done well here. Immigrant waves have been providing this country with valuable injections of brains, energy, and innovation that have propelled the US economy to the top of the world economic heap.

There's a problem with the left's sanctimonious support for all those waves of illegal immigrants. What those of you who support open borders are advocating is, in essence, the systematic oppression of Latin Americans. Democrats when I grew up called them wetbacks. The great thing about wetbacks was that they had no legal protections. Corporate manufacturers and big farmers (you know those corporations you leftists love to hate) love wetbacks. They shove them into colonias, where they live in tar paper shacks, no running water, no electricity, no sewer, no police. They ride to work in the back of pickups to their jobs on dairy farms, rose growing farms, chicken processing plants or orange groves. They work for starvation wages, without the protection of OSHA or medical benefits. If they complain the bosses turn them in to immigration and they have to flee or be deported.

It's slavery-lite and Democrat politicians in border states make a nice under-the-table side income protecting it. The government gives them food stamps, but coyotes take pickup loads of women from the colonias to town to shop because they have no other transportation from these remote villages. The coyotes in East Texas were charging them $80 or so worth of baby formula per trip. And this was 18 years ago. The coyotes sell the baby formula to drug smugglers that use the stuff to cut heroin and cocaine. I know. I helped get a bus out to a colonia in our area of East Texas to take the ladies shopping. The coyotes didn't like it and you can imagine how long that lasted.

Transportation is another huge issue for illegals. Every year hundreds of illegals are killed when trucks smuggling dozens are left baking in the Texas sun or roll over scattering migrants like dry leaves across the highway. Five were killed in the overloaded SUV shown below.

 The system hates change. The only thing it would actually like to change is to increase the stream of illegals (undocumented workers if you prefer). The more illegals that cross the border, the less you have to pay them. Trump's stemming of the tide of illegals has caused consternation among corporations that exploit them. They're having to pay more workers minimum wage these days. I'm not anti-immigration nor anti-immigrant. I'm anti-slavery. And it's no accident that Democrats and corrupt corporations support illegal immigration. They are surely feeling relief at the sudden surge of illegal border-crossings after the Biden inauguration. The surge will supply them a steady stream of cheap labor and grateful employers will supply politicians with plenty of extra income to look the other way. 

Legal immigrants, however are protected from exploitation by the Department of Labor, OSHA, and police. Want to help immigrants? Create a guest worker program. George W. Bush tried to, but Democrats opposed it and worked behind the scenes to kill the idea all the while posing as caring about those poor immigrants and nasty old Trump putting kids in cages. Actually, it was Obama that built the cages. Trump closed that facility.

Now Biden has reopened that same facility with all the cages again, that his former boss built and filled with Latin American children. You don't hear much from the media about that for some reason. Seems it's going to be back to slavery for the easy-to-exploit illegals. Your unearned moral superiority rings hollow to me. I've seen the colonias. The poverty, exploitation, and cruelty is protected by the very people who advocate open borders and winking at the sex traffickers, smugglers, terrorists and violent gangs that hide within the stream of undocumented folks. Once again they are streaming across the border into the virtual slavery, encouraged and protected by the same party that hood-winked poor Southern whites into fighting to preserve this same sort of "peculiar institution". 

It was that same party of the KKK, Jim Crow, Poll Tax, lynchings and segregation which fought for a hundred years to keep minority peoples oppressed. We on the right don't hate immigrants. We hate the massive corrupt system that lures desperate people here into the modern version of plantation slavery. By the way did you know that Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration? He even deployed union farm workers to the border to turn back illegals because they undercut his efforts to win a living wage for farm workers. So how about checking that moral high horse at the door and work with people who actually care about refugees? Democrats won't help of course, because legals tend to work hard, succeed as business owners and become Republicans. Most are escaping the various socialist tyrannies in the old world. Illegals, they figure, can be kept down, kept ignorant and forced to be dependent. Oppressed people are more likely to vote as they are told, which explains why Dems want to give them the vote.

© 2021 by Tom King