Sunday, December 8, 2019

Truth Doesn't Feel Like That

The Problem With Conspiracy Theories

Just went round with a friend over the chemtrails conspiracy theory. This theory has morphed through several phase as conspiracy theorists searched for a reason why airplanes high in the atmosphere leave vapor trails. As more and more planes take to the air, fly higher and mount engines that run hotter, they leave more and more vapor trails in the sky, which those who enjoy making people paranoid are using to some effect.
High flying jets leave vapor trails. That what
happens when you pass a hot engine through cold air.
Conspiracy theories are supposed to be some kind of secret knowledge that only a few smart people are able to figure out. What they mostly do is bring out the arrogance in people convinced they are among the elite minds of our day. What conspiracy theories actually do is deceive, and I think this is more dangerous that if the theories were at all true. The point of a good conspiracy theory is to get people to (1) believe lies without examining them too closely, (2) divert their attention to actual evil being perpetrated in the world and (3) make them believe the forces of evil are more organized and powerful than they, in fact, are. Evil is out there, but the devil is not being quiet about it. If you look at evil, Nazism explained exactly what it would do in Hitler's book Mein Kampf, the communists, the facists and even the progressive have all clearly stated what they want to do to us in the name of control. In every case they wish to rig the governments of nations in order to control people. Even the terrible Masonic Lodge is a paper tiger when you come right down to it. A Southern Good Old Boy Network is in many ways a more powerful thing than a bunch of freemasons.

B-17s over Germany leaving "chemtrails'?
Chemtrails are a uselessly expensive idea. The point is to terrorize people into handing over power to government in order to save us all from global climate change - which is a preposterous idea. If they actually were to spray sulfates in the atmosphere and could stop global warming, they'd crow about it in every media outlet. Except they know the whole global warming notion is a fraud so why try to do anything about it. The point is to frighten people into believing this crap and handing over their freedom in exchange for feeling like they are virtuous and that somebody is actually doing something. If they fixed global warming they'd lose power.

The chemtrails hoax is a mysterious natural phenomenon looking for a conspiracy to explain it. Those who subscribe to the theory of chemtrails have been all over the map in ascribing a nefarious purpose behind high altitude jet contrails.  They've speculated that the purpose for commercial airline companies to risk gigantic class action lawsuits for doing it was everything from solar radiation management, weather modification, psychological manipulation, human population control, or biological or chemical warfare. Now they are saying it's climate control and Bill Gates is behind it. They cook up stories and statistics that show that chemtrails are behind every sort of  respiratory illness and any other likely scary health problem that can be stuffed into the narrative that some evil organization like SMERSH or SPECTRE or HYDRA or the Republican Party is trying to do us harm.

The people behind the frenetic spread of these hysterical conspiracy theories join the gullible lemming hoard because it makes them feel special. Those who inspire belief in such theories see themselves as being the movers and shakers of history and their confidence in their own hubris helps encourage conspiracy theories. In fact, the apparent shared mission of so many powerful people and organizations is not any sort of super-intelligent organizational effort. It's simply shared lust for power. The wealthy elites desire power for fear the masses are going to someday rise up and murder them in their beds. They see a road to power and control and they are all crammed onto it, riding like fury to their own destruction. It's a case of a common desire shared by people who are looking to protect themselves rather than depend on God to work all things together for good in their lives.

The devil wishes to create the illusion that humans can be in charge of history. It reminds me of a scene in the Disney animated movie Robin Hood, where a bunch of rhino soldiers charge into a bunch of tents and the sheriff of Nottingham and Little John wind up on top of the tents charging back and forth atop the rhinos totally out of control.I suspect the devil is laughing at those who think they have it all figured out and are going to seize for themselves the power they need so they can ditch God and forge their own destinies.

Progressives and their ilk (and I include the whole "united religions" crowd in that bunch) have seized on a narrative they think will scare the most people and now they have the proletariat charging off a socio-political-economic cliff to their own destruction. Human leaders have sat themselves atop the pile and once fancied themselves to hold the reins of power. About now, many are beginning to realize that they aren't steering anymore - that there is no steering wheel, no reins, no rudder. Democrats, for instance, thought they controlled the whole impeach the president process when they started it, but it's rapidly spinning out of control and I do believe Lucifer is enjoying their discomfiture.

The devil has taken many dry runs at destroying mankind - the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Mid-East wars were all dry runs, each and experiment leading to more and more devastation. The precursors are always the same. What Satan is running up to is a combination Civil War, World War, Genocide and global tyranny. If you examine history closely, you'll see he keeps trying the same techniques over and over. They fail, but Lucifer is every bit as deluded about the efficacy of his strategies as any modern progressive. It should work they say, because it feels right. That was precisely what the whole rebellion in heaven was about. Satan argued that free will is a mistake. Satan's case was that humans should not have free will. It would make them too much like God and that would jeopardize his own position as number 1 created being. Satan cares not about the human elites he's deluded into believing they have some kind of control over the course of history.. That ship sailed millenia ago. Now it's all chaos and conspiracies and the truth is if half these conspiracy theories were true, the various plots would cancel each other out or at the least blow up in the conspirators' faces. 

Chemtrails are just a BS distraction. A song back in the 60s had a line in it that went, "Satan, Satan is my name, confusion is my game." He's working both ends against the middle and chemtrails, big pharma, vaccine hysteria - all of it is designed to teach people to believe a lie. It feels like you have some sort of secret knowledge that makes you smarter than everyone else. It plays to people's vanity and sucks them in and makes them feel superior to the rest of us rubes.

I'm sure many of my conspiracy theory aficionado friends are feeling quite superior to me right now, being as they are, in possession of secret knowledge. But Truth doesn't make you feel like that. If what you believe makes you feel smug and superior to everyone else, you're probably embracing something other than the Truth.

© 2019 by Tom King

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Berkely Prof Supports Bashing Rural Americans

Jackson Kernion, a University of California-Berkeley instructor and graduate student fired off a tweetstorm by posting this snotty comment on Twitter:
  • I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans. they, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions. Some, I assume are good people. But this nostalgia for some imagined pastoral way of life is stupid and we should shame people who aren't pro-city.
He deleted the tweet after he was hit by an angry tweetstorm and later he apologized for admitting that his remarks came across as “crass and mean.” Kernion, a graduate student at UC-Berkeley, teaches philosophy courses to undergrads. Apparently he over-estimated the power of his bully pulpit.

What happened with this pampered man-child is that, sheltered in academia, he absorbed all the progressive "secret knowledge" and came to believe everybody who is anybody was privy to and agreed to the left's ultimate goals including the human hive. I've sat in on the meetings in which pro-city progressives participated and heard them fantasize about everyone living in walled cities where you have to get permission to travel outside the walls (to protect the environment from human contamination). No cars of course; only public transit. My favorite was the idea that we would all carry personal transit Id's. These could be more easily tracked as a way to know where you go as much as possible. It would aid law enforcement to keep tabs on "criminals". I always felt like the guys talking about this stuff were looking at me.

This poor schmuck just had the temerity to openly express this grand plan for proper control of the "proletariat" in plain language where the rubes could hear it. He figured enough of the herd had swallowed the pro-city kool-aid to earn him chops as one of the great thinkers of our times.

Oops. It appears that he just had an episode of premature articulation.

© 2019 by Tom King

Thursday, October 24, 2019

I Feel the Way I Do - End of Conversation!

Obi Wan Kenobi was spectacularly wrong. You cannot trust your feelings
 unless you train them well with reason, repetition, and intelligence.

The Tyranny of Feelings

My liberal friends keep refusing to talk with me. Now most have no problem talking at me. Just a problem with me talking at all in self-defense. It goes like this.  (Finger points at me in roughly the shape of a gun) "I don't want to hear you talk about politics or religion today." Usually this is followed up by several little digs at me explaining how I'm a bully. That I call people names. Things like that.Then they glance around the room looking for approval from other advocates of what I call "Feelings uber alles!"  I am not allowed to answer such charges because, of course, that would be talking about religion or politics and that might make them mad so that they would be forced to retreat to a pre-designated safe space.

Then when I ask what names I've called them (other than the labels they've chosen for themselves like liberal, progressive, or leftist), they can't tell me what it was. Mostly I get, "I don't remember but it hurt my feelings." Or "I don't want to discuss it."

To cut off the conversation, they make a final statement. "I feel what I feel about politics and you feel what you feel about politics. You are not going to change how I feel, so shut up."

In my best terrible, mean bully manner, I respond in this manner. "No, you are mistaken. I don't feel about politics and religion. I think about politics and religion and my reason informs how I feel."  Most of the time I don't get past "No, I..." before being shouted down. Were I to shout down my feeling friends and loved ones in a similar manner, I'd be rightfully called down by these guys as a bully. As it is, simply offering an alternate view with accompanying facts and data which I have considered when forming my opinion, that is what is most frequently described as bullying by folks who lean left.

"And I'm not a socialist, by the way! I'm an independent."  **

"Ever voted for a Republican?"

"Are you kidding? No, Republicans are stupid bigots and they call people names. Besides, I know you watch Fox News and you haven't ever voted for a Democrat."

"Actually, I've voted for several. Usually they get kicked out of the Democrat party shortly after I voted for them, but I actually have voted for Democrats I agreed with."*

To me, it's odd that anyone would think I should vote for someone whose policies I disagree with. This model conversation is a compilation of several dozen conversations I've actually had with my friends who espouse policies of the sort espoused by Karl Marx, leftist university professors, Progressives, Democratic Socialists, Communists, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocasio Cortez.

 I will always calmly and politely discuss politics and religion if you want to. If you don't, I won't. Just don't take pot shots at me and expect me to stand still and let you insinuate that I am a bully and a bigot and stand still and let you get away with that. If you think my talking about someone being a liberal or leftist or progressive or socialist, then tell me how you describe your politics. And don't give me "independent". That's disingenuous. Too often the term "independent" is used to cover for people who vote for whoever their friends tell them to vote for based on their feelings.

Part of the reasons that those who are "not conservatives" slid right and voted for Trump was because he said things they liked and their friends voted for him. I did not vote for Donald Trump. I'll be honest. I actively talked against him. I thought he was a bad candidate. Actually, I thought he was a closet Democrat.

I've been pleasantly surprised, however. Turns out he has actually governed as a conservative. He stood up to foreign bullies like China and Russia. If he's Putin's puppet, Putin forgot to attach the strings. Trump's been tougher on Russia than "Tell Vlad I'll be more flexible my second term" Obama ever was and Trump has yet to bow to any emperor or Saudi Sheik. He's appointed strong conservative judges. His FCC appointees rejected the Net Neutrality Scam. The economy is booming (which is apparently a bad thing if you listen to Democrats). I'm working now. I can pay my rent. I can say what I want, worship where and when I want, own a weapon to protect myself and my family, and write my blogs although they may be occasionally banned by the leftists over at Google and Facebook and Youtube. He's tough on trade and illegal immigration and has some good ideas for fixing the problem. I personally find that encouraging uncontrolled illegal immigration us little more than feeding the US form of slavery that is employing what Democrats once called "wetbacks". And they weren't using it as an affectionate term.

I've never advocated that anyone I disagree with should be silenced either by law or violence.
I've never ridiculed anyone's religion, although I've said some harsh things about atheists who bully people of faith and environmentalists who bully anyone who disagrees with them. I have called Marxists, militant atheists, climate change evangelists, and believers in sciencism "members of religions". Members of all these faith-based groups vehemently deny they are religions. So, if the practitioners of these faiths are not religionists as said practitioners of these philosophies consistently claim, then my own claim not to have ridiculed anyone's religion stands. I am simply taking them at their word. Members of each group, have however called me names like ignorant, bigot, hater, stupid, and other epithets ugly enough that I've kicked them off the threads I post (I've got kids on my friends list for crying out loud - cool it with the profanity).

And yes, Virginia, the f-word is profanity. It is a term that would belong to rape culture if there even were such a thing.  If you want to discuss my views on politics or you post a dissenting opinion on one of my posts in the comment section, you are welcome. Just don't expect me to tamely submit to your bullying, threats or one-sided arguments. I fight hard, but fair. If it hurts your feelings that I disagree with you or offer one of my experiences explaining why I believe as I do, or recount my researches on various issues, or carefully reasoned opinions in response to your talking points, you should remember that I have forewarned you.

If you are going to need to retreat to a safe space after I answer your question, threat, abuse or diatribe, you should skip commenting on my blogs.  Thank you for reading my blog in any case. You are always welcome here and let's talk. The thing that WILL tear this country apart is refusing to talk openly and honestly and shouting down anyone who disagrees with you.

© 2019 by Tom King

Notably Phil Gramm and Ralph Hall when they were serving as conservative Democrats in the Congress and Senate. They had to leave the Democrat party because they didn't support the socialist agenda of their party.

 ** The characters in this sample conversation are composites of a variety of people who have unfriended me or simply quit talking to me and in no way should be construed as words belonging to any specific person. Persons attempting to do so will be prosecuted, tarred and feathered, and/or banished to Australia.

Monday, September 30, 2019

The Door is Locked, No One Answers & a Bear is Chasing Them


Band of illegals left stranded in the Arizona desert
rescued by Border Patrol officers.
It all sounds very humane and earns my friends on the left extra dollops of unearned moral superiority to say such things as the title of this piece. So let me ask the anti-wall folks a question about that philosophy which purports to be so logical and obvious to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. Putting aside all that unearned moral superiority one gets from being "for" open borders, is the status quo really what you want?

Are you folks on the open borders side claiming that our good friends in Mexico are chasing down and murdering their own citizens? Are Mexican authorities chasing them northward (while providing them escorted buses to the southern US border)? Who is "the bear"? If it's Mexico, that my friend would be an act of war. If Mexico is sending waves of its citizens across the border into the United States, that would pose a very real threat to the security of our nation. That would constitute an actual invasion - to chase millions of undocumented individuals across the US border. What would they do that for? Are they spies? Saboteurs? What? 

As far as I know Mexico is supposed to be our good neighbor. The only reason we would need to build a wall is if some neighbor nation might be conducting operations to rid themselves of undesirable people at our expense. Could they not drive the buses to legal immigration portals? We have them all over Mexico (see the map below). How about if Mexico transships all those Central American illegals to an American consulate where they can apply for asylum if they are "running from a bear". We certainly have a lot of them.
US Consulates in Mexico that accept asylum requests.
And what if Mexican government officials stopped sucking the life out of the Mexican economy through graft and corruption and maybe took in some of those refugees themselves, giving them a place of refuge in a place where they are familiar with the customs, language and traditions?. Would that not be kinder to real refugees?

How about they clean up the cartels? If the cartels are "the bear", why not shoot the bear. If they asked, I bet we'd be happy to send down some SEAL teams, Delta Force, Marines and Rangers along with some big nasty jets to help the Mexican government clean out drug cartel strongholds that are strangling the nation, leaving headless corpses on the streets and highways and threatening the peace and safety of Mexican Citizens. 

"Refugee" found dead in the desert murdered.
I bet Donald Trump would be happy to do so given the existential threat posed by these vicious enclaves of murderers and slavers. How about we do something to solve the problem instead of wringing our hands and tolerating a steady flow of people into our country and funneling them into ghettos and colonias where corporations and factory farms exploit their labor at slave wages.

How about we do that?

Mexico won't send those people to the consulates where they can legally apply for asylum. That would create refugee camps around the consulates. That would be bad press for the Dons for the people to see how many people are applying to get out of Mexico. Much better to drop them off on a lonely stretch of undefended border. That way they take themselves out of Mexico and solves the government officials's problems without costing them anything out of their graft and bribes budget. Mexico doesn't care if they die in the desert at the hands of the coyotes, drug mules,
Refugee found raped and murdered just across our border.
sex traffickers and terrorists that cross the border with them. Mexico doesn't give a crap if America's southern borderlands are littered with the corpses of men, women and children, murdered or dead from thirst in the desert. So long as they get rid of their undesirables.

Look we put fences and walls around electrical transformers, oil wells, yards full of pit bulls and even swimming pools. The southern border crossing is dangerous. Shouldn't we put a safety fence across it since illegals seem not to understand the danger. We put childproof caps on aspirin bottles. For crying out loud, why not make the borders childproof. Too many children keep showing up dead in the desert or are being trafficked into pedophile rings and prostitution. We've got to put a lid on this. Not one more human being need die in the desert. Let's set up a guest worker program, protect migrant workers the way we do American workers. Prevent their exploitation. Make evil corporations pay them proper wages. It's only going to cost you a little more at your "mom and pop" grocery store and your boutique fashion center as cotton and food prices rise. I don't mind that very much if we can keep stuff like we see in the pictures above from happening.

It's not America that's the problem. And closing that border as tightly as we can will not only help solve our problem, but will also fix the migrant worker mess, and force Mexico to do something about their own problems. Because if they don't do something, they will face armies of unhappy people turned back at the wall. Such people, historically, have turned around and done what Mexicans throughout their history have always done - stage a revolution!

And there's nothing like an impending revolution to wake up the Dons and get them to do something to save their own butts.

The real reason they want "open borders' - cheap labor.
Without it, who could afford to eat all that kale?

© 2019 by Tom King

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sentences for Hackers: A Modest Proposal

No Internet, no electricity, only computer on the island
As a Christian I am obliged to hate the sin and love the sinner, but the truth is, I find that very very hard to do with hackers. These slimy little basement dwelling weasels have caused me to break my rule about name-calling.

In the middle of the night last night some @#$%@ charged $900 worth of video games to my bank debit card. Because I work nights and check my email frequently watching for payments from various clients, I caught the charge moments after the charge was made. I stopped payment within minutes and changed passwords on all my financial accounts by dawn's early light! 

I'm careful about how I make online purchases, so this wasn't my fault. One of the companies I do business with, CafePress got itself hacked. I got a letter from them a few days ago telling me hackers had got my card #, passwords, address and whatever else I had on file. I've been watching my accounts closely ever since and last night I was glad I did. I don't think there will be any damage. Bank of America is removing any charges resulting from the hack, but it will be at least 4 days before I can access my bank account. It's not fatal, but it's extremely inconvenient and irritating. BOA has canceled my old card and has a new one on the way. Now all I have to do is delete my old card from Amazon, Kaiser Permanente, eBay, Paypal, Walmart and a few others I regularly do business with online.

I also contacted the video game merchant, Steamgames, and they were unusually solicitous. They have an 24 hour automated number that lets you report if the company has charged your account for something that you didn't buy. They collect a little info - enough to identify the transaction - and assure you they will not charge you. It remains to be seen if they actually withdraw the charge. This presents two possibilities for why Steamgames would have a special punch this number option on their 800 number:

  1. Hackers steal personal IDs so they can buy a lot of video games which sounds plausible. If you sell video games, it stands to reason hackers would use their ill-gotten booty to buy your product. An honest retailer of video games would, therefore work hard to insure they weren't participating in fraud and identity theft. 
  2. The other possibility is that Steamgames itself is sponsoring or at least encouraging the hacking and running fraudulent charges through their company. If they get caught at it, they cancel the charge - no harm, no foul.  If they don't get caught, then they make off with the dough and don't even have to provide any games. 
I am a suspicious person living as I do in, what I believe, are the last days of Earth. Naughtiness abounds. Hackers in particular cause millions of dollars in direct and indirect damage to individuals and companies. They hide in basements and cast their webs like spiders. If they get caught, their sentences are ridiculously small by and large. I would, therefore like to recommend this sentencing strategy.
  • If an theft of information affects a thousand people, then each person violated should be considered as a separate case with a separate sentence for each.
  • Sentences should be served consecutively. In other words, if you steal the information of 1,000 people and the usual sentence is 18 months in prison, then multiply 18 months by 1,000 victims and the hacker gets 1500 years incarceration.
  • There should be a special prison for hackers. They should be put on an island in the midst of shark-infested waters. The island would have no electricity, no Internet, no phones - just farming tools and some bags of fertilizer and seed (I suggest beets and rutabagas.). There should be a dump on the island containing discarded Commodore 64s and Radio Shack TRS-80s, just to torment them. I can see them sitting under a scraggly tree, tapping morosely at an elderly keyboard.
I hate thinking like that, but sadly, I know too many basement dwelling weasels and their kind. Banishment and marooning on a deserted island is too good for them. Still we don't want to be vicious and cruel. Okay, diabolical maybe?

© 2019 by Tom King

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Big Tech Colluded with Democrats to Fix the 2016 Election

This is earth-shaking testimony from someone from their own side. Even though Dr. Epstein is a big time liberal, this really shakes him up. In this exchange with Ted Cruz (R) Texas, The former editor of Psychology Today claims that we are looking at a potential 15 million votes shifted to Democrats in the upcoming 2020 election. As it is, if they use the techniques they have already shown a willingness to use, Tech giants could easily have had the effect of shifting between 2.6 to 10.4 million votes to Democrats in 2018. We could easily have a Democrat Congress as a direct result of Google, Facebook and other tech giants colluding to influence voters to vote Democrats.

Facebook and Youtube and Google directly steer users toward ideas they support and actively suppress ideas they do not. Worse yet they are protected because they claim to be a neutral platform rather than a publisher. If the Congress were to remove that protection from tech companies, they would no longer be protected from libel suits and for deceptive practices. 

We are, like families of abusive fathers, protecting them from their own actions while they merrily abuse us without consequences.

If we allow this to continue, we will lose our freedom.  Period!  Google by manipulating search results and other means that cannot be detected and which no one is aware of and which are exclusively in their hands are colluding with the Democrat party in a way that makes the worst possible version of the Russian collusion hoax look pathetic by comparison.

This was done by means that cost these guys almost nothing. In 2020 15 million votes could be shifted without a paper trail or anyone's knowledge. If Mark Zuckerberg and the folks at Google and other tech giants support the same candidate, they can, without accountability, through deceptive manipulative search methods, search suggestions, answer bots, selective go vote notices and other deceptive subliminal methods throw 15 million or more votes to the Democrats.

We are at war with the left. God help us I can see where this is going and it's not a good place. Just watch the debates. These would-be tech gods are planning to seize control and even this very progressive psychologist that testifies in this video is appalled by the implications.


Watch this video.

© 2019 by Tom King

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The El Paso Walmart Shooting - Who Ya Gonna Blame?

Vigil for the victims of the El Paso Walmart Shootings

From the first moment after the El Paso Walmart shooting, leftist media began blaming Trump and all us anti-immigrant conservatives for the rhetoric which supposedly inspired this lunatic.

When are you guys on the left EVER going to get it. We're not ANTI-IMMIGRANT. What we are against is millions swimming the rivers, and crawling through the snake-infested deserts with their babies to get into the country. We object to coyotes, drug mules, terrorists and sex traffickers coming with them. We object to illegals being exploited by agribusiness, farmers, ranchers, dairymen and chicken processors, forced to live in colonias without running water, electricity or sewer system on slave wages. If we can close the borders and insure that immigrants and refugees cross over legally, they will be protected by our laws. Exploiters can't treat them like slaves and bully them into submission with threats of deportation.

Trump's already got agreements with Guatemala and Mexico to stem the tide and funnel them through US run refugee centers at the Mexican and Guatemalan southern borders. That way actual refugees can be identified and can come to the US by bus, plane, car and train instead of in the back of trucks and on foot with dangerous people. It would reduce the number of corpses, drugs and filth littering US border ranch land and posing a threat to Americans that live along the Mexican border.

The catch and release policies the Democrats support will only lead to expanding poverty and virtual slavery for these poor people. I get that they are desperate, but entering illegally only takes them from one cruel master to a whole new set of cruel masters. In 1860 Democrats whined that they couldn't get their crops picked without slaves. In 2019, they say we can't get our crops picked, concrete poured or chickens plucked without illegal alien labor. Anybody else see a pattern that seems ingrained in the party of Jim Crow and the KKK?

By the way, this year under President Trump we've had more immigrants become citizens than we have for decades. It's taking time, but the president is doing more than just talking about helping immigrants. He's doing it. We have to stop illegal immigration for the sake of the innocent. They should cross at immigration ports, not through the desert with their babies in the company of sex traffickers, drug smugglers, terrorists and criminal gangs.

Instead of being part of encouraging the enslavement of desperate refugees, how about being part of the solution. Immigrants and refugees should not have to begin their life in America by committing a crime. They should enter as law-abiding would-be citizens with a clear path to citizenship and under the protection of police, the Dept. of Labor, OSHA and other US law enforcement agencies. If they do that, then they can be protected.

The only reason any politician wants to protect illegal immigration is to continue to receive graft from the employers who abuse illegal immigrants.

So who really hates immigrants?

The sick bastard who shot up the mall in El Paso is a product, not of rhetoric by the president, but of the relentless shrieking leftist harpies who bully people who are made afraid by the vitriole coming from the left. Mentally ill kids, and psychologically damaged adults pick up on the seeming don't-care attitude of leftist elite politicians who sit behind their own walls and gated communities and abuse people who see the consequences to neighborhoods of an apparently out of control invasion of their homeland. And they are afraid and lash out. I've seen the colonias and I've attempted to help those people trapped there.  But I'm here to tell you that unless we can cut off the inflow of illegals, we'll never be able to fix the problem. Build the wall, close the border, fix the problem - in that order. And don't trust Democrat promises. Do it in that order. President Reagan agreed to a Democrat proposed solution by agreeing to an amnesty bill. In exchange Democrats promised to close the border. They talked about building a wall.

But they never did. They reneged on that promise, just like Democrats always do. It is not to their advantage to fix immigration. Illegal aliens are just too useful to the DNC.

Shame on them!

© 2019 by Tom King

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Trump's People's Parade - Wow!

I thought I'd watch a little of the Washington DC Fourth of July Parade. It was not at all what I expected.  Having for years watched the Macy's Parade and the Rose Parade, I was unprepared for the best parade I've ever seen.

It had nothing to do with the expense of the floats. There were no Vander orchids or butter yellow daisies in a bed of roses. I haven't seen a professional level marching band. I don't think I've seen a singel college band. Everything so far has been high school marching bands. The drill teams have largely been healthy black girls doing shimmy shake dance routines, mixed drill teams swinging everything from flags to some kind of white pole wrapped in lace, or sticks with crepe paper streamers.

I've been watching it for over an hour as cars, semi-trucks, crepe-decorated trailer floats, odd groups of people in matching tee-shirts. My favorite bit was when the second group in the parade was the Daughters of the American Revolution carrying big flags and the first flag they carried was the Betsy Ross Flag. (Take that Colon Krapsickle!). 

The parade participants were a cross section of every American parade in every heartland city of the United States.  There were no tanks, missiles, or weapons of war. There were proud groups of Taiwanese Americans, Chinese Americans, and Vietnamese Americans (on a big float that said "Thank you America").  There were Sikh Americans, Buddhist Americans, Krishna Americans and Christian Americans. There were members of every ethnic group you can imagine. The high school bands were a rainbow of races - no racism in evidence.

It was fascinating the level of ordinariness to be seen in the parade. I couldn't stop watching. This was Washington, DC, but the parade was straight out of Houma, Louisiana. I kept waiting for the horses and sure enough, there they were bringing up the rear of the parade. The only thing they didn't have in the parade were kids on bicycles with crepe paper streamers laced between the spokes of their wheels. I think the parade was anyone who showed up with balloons, band instruments or a float.

I missed the kids on bikes, but they had everything else you'd see in a Fourth of July parade in downtown Fredericksburg, Texas or Sandusky, Ohio. There were Model T's and Mustangs, open top Camaros and Cadillacs with Corn Queens and Queens of Black-Eyed Pea festivals and county fairs sitting in the backs waving. There were restored 50s era pickups and huge balloons of unlicensed cartoon characters.  There was slightly out-of-tune high school marching bands playing John Phillip Sousa marches, jazz tunes or 60s oldies.

I smiled stupidly all the way through the thing, wondering what the reaction of the left would be to a genuine people's parade right in the middle of snooty old Washington with Trump supporters crammed cheek by jowl alongside the parade route. Participants were a representative sample of De

You could hear 'em hyperventilating down at the DNC. It was gloriously simple, amateurish and the best parade I've seen in my life, not the least because it was utterly in-your-face to the left. It was an actual people's parade, only the people's bussed themselves into Washington, brought their own flags and stuff and pretty much all of them had voted for Trump in the last election or planned to vote for him in the next one.

And the one song the immigrant groups played from their floats going by??? 

                              "I'm Proud to Be an American...........God Bless the USA"

How cool is that?

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Watchmen Will Never Be Silent

Especially if you demonetize them....

In fact, that just makes us mad 

     so that we blow the horns even louder!

IS Free Speech a Human Invention - Something We Can Choose to Redefine?

I got called out for this cartoon.
My friend said, 'False analogy. Free speech is a a manmade idea that can be changed. It can be altered by people. Physics are natural laws that cannot be altered by people. If one supports all free speech that is not hate speech, laws can be written to make it so. However, physics is physics whether anyone supports it or not and no one can change it.:

I disagree with my friend. I think free speech is free speech, period. You either can or cannot speak freely.  One either has free speech or one doesn't. It doesn't matter how any human being defines it. Free speech is one of those objective truths. As soon as you try to alter it and begin defining it as something other than itself, it is no longer free speech. When speech can be hedged in by law, it is no longer speech, however vile or repugnant the words may be.

I find much of what the left says to be repugnant. I find any defense of the right to murder an unborn child repugnant. I find any defense of restriction placed upon private practice of religion which causes no physical harm to any human being to be repugnant. I find the whole idea of bigger more powerful government and socialism to be repugnant. I find attempts to abolish the second amendment to be a dangerous idea.

At the same time, whatever my feelings on the words spoken, I find any attempt to restrict the left's right to speak out freely and say they believe these things to be every bit as repugnant. I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it.
There is a story about two men, one an American and the other a Russian living under the Soviet Union. The American brags, "We have free speech. I can go down to the steps of the Capitol and shout, 'The Congress are all idiots.'"  
The Russian replied, "I too have free speech in Soviet Union. I can go down to Red Square and shout,

The Politburo are all idiots!" 

The American was shocked. "Really. You can do that? 

"Of course," said the Russian with a wink. "The only difference is that in America you have freedom AFTER speech."  

This whole hate speech excuse for controlling speech is little more than a thinly veiled attempt by the left to silence conservatives. For socialism, progressivism, or Marxism to grow and prosper and seize power, the socialist revolution must make sure the only messages the "proletariat" (that's you and me) can hear are the smooth lies of Marxism. The ruling class must restrict the masses from ever hearing dissenting voices, The progressive lest must hide the horrific history of progressive socialism in the 20th and 21st centuries.

As a conservative, I am not afraid of dissenting speech. I need not silence you. I believe my ideas are strong enough to go up against yours and that's the difference. Socialists have to silence the opposition in order to maintain power over a compliant populace and
to hoodwink people into allowing socialism a foothold.

That said, I do not believe in free speech without consequences. My free speech ends where the end of your nose begins. It does NOT end at the lips of the speaker. This does not mean there are not consequences if your speech is the result of criminal intent or results in crime. If you shout fire in a crowded theater and people are hurt, you are to be punished for causing injury to others and for lying about the fire.  Perjury IS a crime. Opinion is not. If you violate national security with your speech, when you have taken an oath to keep secrets, you CAN get punished for violating your oath. Free speech was merely the means by which you committed the violation. If you slander a person, by telling lies and it does damage to another. That person can sue you and the law can punish you for lying.

The matter of obscenity is a fuzzier issue. Certainly, nobody on the left worries about obscenity when used by their own folks. In facts, leftists take it as a violation of their rights if we even complain when they pollute the air saying "f#@!$" every other word. Leftists in media take great pride and delight in putting that word in the face of every decent moral person. So obviously obscenity is not restricted much at all in a land of free speech. In the past, it was argued that obscenity harmed children who heard it and I think such a case could still be made if anyone worried anymore about raising clean-speaking children.

Pornography is the same deal. The left would have a fit if you restricted dirty movies, nudity and all manner of filth their allies in the entertainment field produce. The only way you can punish pornographers is if you can prove the filmed subject of that pornography is a child or an unwilling exploited person enslaved against her or his will for that purpose. I'm all for punishing the heck out of sex slavers and child traffickers. But it is the act of abusing, not the speech that is punishable and punished.

If I directly command that my followers go to a Trump rally and beat up his supporters, I am culpable if they do so. If I tell them to go to a Ben Shapiro speech and attack people attending the speech (as ANTIFA has done repeatedly), then I am responsible for the result of my speech.

Free speech is one of those pesky things that post-modernist philosophers claim is not an objective truth. In fact they claim that all things are what you say they are and that, there is therefore no objective truth. So truth is what we decide it is. My friend reflects post-modernist thought exactly. This is handy if you're attempting to make a made-up Utopia without having to worry about human nature, sin, economics, morality or any of those things that are problematic in society at large.

What the left wants to do is tell me I cannot speak lest I hurt someone's feelings, but only if it is conservative speech. There are no calls from the left for people who say things like these to be silenced. Here are some examples and certainly not the more egregious ones:
  1.   Kathy Griffin held a bloodied, decapitated Donald Trump head up for cameras, as part of her comedy act. Then she complained because her career tanked.
  2.    Madonna – "I've thought a lot about blowing up the White House."
  3.   Snoop Dogg "Shoots" Trump in the Head in Music Video
  4.   Robert De Niro: "I'd Like to Punch Him in the Face"
  5.   Joss Whedon: "I Want a Rhino to [F---] Paul Ryan to Death"
  6.   Shakespeare in the Park play stabs 'Trump' to death in performance of 'Julius Caesar'.
  7.   Rapper YG Threatens Trump with "[F---] Donald Trump" Song
  8.   Marilyn Manson Kills 'Trump' in Music Video
  9.   “Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that pussy,” Rep. Scott Hamann wrote in a lengthy Facebook tirade.
  10.   Maxine Waters calls supporters to "...make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that (Trump) Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."
  11.   One month after President Trump’s inauguration, a group of young children in Chicago were filmed beating and tearing apart a President Trump pinata, while union members and leftist bullies cheered them on.
  12.   Tom Arnold took to Twitter to call on fellow Democrats to threaten Barron Trump when Melania takes him to school.
  13.   Peter Fonda targeted Barron Trump, saying “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant asshole she is married to…”
  14.   Nebraska Democrat Phil Montag, a technology chairman was caught in an audio recording that was posted on YouTube, voicing how glad he was that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., got shot. Specifically what he said was, 'I'm glad that m@#$rf#$@r [Scalise] got f@#$%ing shot, I wish he was f@#$ing dead!'
  15. . Speaking of the baseball shooter, Trump-hating, Bernie Sanders supporter and domestic terrorist James T. Hodgkinson, 66, from Belleville, Illinois, was killed by Capitol Police after firing up to 100 rounds from an assault rifle at a baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia, leaving five injured including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.
  16.   Ex- Obama Attorney General, Eric Holder, who was arrested in college for participating in an armed takeover of the former Columbia ROTC office, told a crowd at a rally for Black gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams, “Michelle [Obama] always says ‘When they go low, we go high,'” Holder told the crowd. “No. No. When they go low, we kick them…”
  17.   Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Cristiane Amanpour that you can’t be civil with a party who doesn’t agree with you. “That’s why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”
  18.   "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams
  19.   For real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*@#$ng face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f!#@ing face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f!@#$ing be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast
  20.   .I’m just saying if he (Dick Cheney) did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” — Bill Maher
  21.   "....I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy
  22.   "F*** G@# D@#$d Joe the G@# D@#$d M@#$#rf@#ing plumber! I want M@#$#rf@#ing Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouley on the air.
  23.   "’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada
  24.   "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa
  25.   “..And then there’s Rumsfeld.....We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club.
  26.   "Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” — The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review.
  27.   "Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “Freaking Awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security.” — Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack
  28.   “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)
  29.   “If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett
  30.   “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter
  31.   “But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” — Mike Malloy
  32.   "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." -- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence
  33.   “I wish they (Republicans) were all f*@#$g dead!” — Dan Savage
  34.   Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a fake news story (the language was too brutal to disguise).
And that's not but a tiny fraction of politicians, writers and celebrities.

The left has been doing this kind of hate speech for decades without the media ginning up any outrage at all. Often in fact, the media contributed to the calls for violence against conservatives. Yet right now it's suddenly imperative that conservative voices be discouraged and where possible silenced. Their reason for defining speech which challenges their opinions is that such speech hurts someone's feeling. DOES ANYBODY THINK THESE HATE-FILLED COMMENTS DIDN'T HURT SOMEONE'S FEELINGS? Ah, but these were only conservative and Republican feelings, so no harm/no foul.

Look at the Prager University videos which have been blocked from being viewed by anyone 17 or under on YouTube. The language is clean in the Prager videos. The speeches are by highly respected individuals from politics, entertainment, journalism and academia are historical, political, philosophical and journalistic commentary with references. Facebook has decided that because Prager U deviates from progressive orthodoxy, it must be censored, suppressed and demonetized.

How long after progressive politicians seize the power to silence people based on their agreement with our dear leaders before they start silencing us for our religious beliefs? Freedom is a dangerous thing. Bad people can use their freedom to hurt their fellow citizens. They can, through free speech, threaten the jobs of sitting political figures and parties in power as they did in the 2016 election. 


A free people are difficult for their betters to control. That was kind of the point of the Constitution. Former President Obama, lamented that the Constitution was all about what the government cannot do. Obama called it a charter of "negative" liberties. Clearly progressives such as the ex-president are far more concerned with the rights and responsibilities of government than they were about the rights of individuals.

In America people have rights. Governments are not permitted to restrict our natural rights which are outlined in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution doesn't trust government any more than I do. The Bill of Rights were written not to grant us rights as the Magna Carta and virtually every other country's founding documents do, but to forbid the government from restricting rights we already possess. Other countries' governments and sovereigns pretend to grant rights to citizens. The right to trial by jury in England is granted to Britishers by the Queen and technically may be withdrawn at her will. She doesn't have the power to do it, but if she were somehow to seize that power, the monarchy claims that your rights belong to them.

It may be that this is too nit-pickey an argument for those who would find reason to shut up people who challenge their progressive notions. The rage from the left over conservative speech is telling. It is the anger of the spoiled child over being denied something it wants.

I have something to say about that.

© 2019 by Tom King

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Has a High Tech Virtual Invasion of Poland Begun?

In another wave of attacks on conservatives, Youtube is blocking and/or demonetizing conservative video producers en masse.
I started this rant on Facebook, but decided to move it over to my blog to avoid its being banished to virtual hell by Zuckerberg's Gestapo. I'm not sure, but we may be seeing a fully mobilized, concerted attack on conservative voices beginning in earnest. Here's what's happening.

Despite earlier ruling that Steven Crowder met YouTube guidelines, the Google subsidiary, YouTube, has demonetized his videos en masse, effectively cutting off a major portion of his income in an obvious effort to silence his voice. Meanwhile poisonous leftist sites guilty of doxing, harassment, obscenity and outright lying remain firmly in place on the video host site. Other less-careful, less litigious conservative pundits than Crowder are being outright banned in this latest pogrom of pro-Constitution, pro-conservative websites. Massive numbers of Prager University's tasteful and factually correct videos have been demonetized and I expect another anti-conservative pogrom against PU in the next few days.

Reminds me of 1939 Europe. The war may have been started already as the leftist media ramps up its efforts to remove the president and discredit conservatives altogether before the crucial 2020 election.

It's a war, make no mistake about it. At present it's a cold civil war, but given the history of the left throughout the 20th century, it won't stay cold for long if they gain enough power.

The first American revolution began with the shot heard round the world. It began because the Redcoats were coming to Concord to confiscate the citizens' guns. We may find we're in a second American revolution when the Deep State comes for our guns again. I pray the US military will choose to heed their oath to defend the Constitution because that is indeed what is under assault.

We need to all agree on a new video provider - a kind of Youtube 2.0 if we are going to keep from being silenced. I've already moved a lot of my social media traffic to MeWe, which is growing significantly thanks to conservative flight from oppressive leftist social media providers. We need phone apps that support these sites and resources that allow us to dramatically cut our support of web providers who obviously hate us and want us gone.

We should oblige them.

I truly believe we are seeing the beginning of the last movement of Satan's forces against those who are Christ's own.  Not all of these are conservative Christians. Not all of these folk even believe in God. They are simply people looking for Grace in a world filled with hate. These souls hunger and thirst for a world safe for the good, the kindly, the loving and free - people who have no desire to have power over their fellow man; no desire to be Lords of the Earth.

As the last events unfold, remember that Christ's coming is not a conquest, but a rescue. When the good folk who trust in Him or would have if they'd ever met Him are taken up and go, this world will destroy itself in an orgasm of violence and turn itself into a lake of fire. We have the technology to do just that and when God withdraws from this Earth, there will be nothing to hold back the horrors mankind can inflict upon itself.

The wages of sin is death and I really believe that is literally so
. I believe sin is self-destructive and inevitably suicidal. I believe we will make our own hell. I don't think God need lift a finger to obliterate evil men from the Earth. All He need do is step back to see the Earth cleansed by radioactive fire!

That may seem a little extreme to extrapolate from a YouTube ban on what it calls "hate speech" to the bloody end of the world.  But then a few German tanks rolling into Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia didn't seem at the time to presage anything like the holocaust and the bloody conflict that would cost half a billion lives and plunge the world into horrors unimagined by the free world in 1939.  Nor did it predict that in the aftermath of a World War, Communism would rise up on its hind legs and slaughter hundreds of millions more.  
But it did.
When created, I think the left saw the Internet as a new way to control the proletariat. After all, they had been successfully controlling media for 50 some-odd years. Why not this tool. I mean they all had read Orwell in high school (though admittedly as an instruction manual rather than a warning). To the collective Progressive horror, though, the new communication tool opened doors to free speech, free expression and inexpensive highly effective means of producing quality podcasts, videos and websites for opinion makers who opposed progressivism. Things have been out of hand for a long time. I think our betters have decided it's time to shut us up for good before Donald Trump gets re-elected. I think they are looking to cut the right off from the Internet. All they need is their own Leni Riefenstahl to get the mind-control propaganda rolling.

And I know I sound all paranoid, but I grew up in the 20th century. I know the horrors that can be inflicted on us by those who think they need to control us ordinary schlubs "for our own good". We have raised up a new generation that, as Moses put it, "...knew not Joseph".  Sadly, they will soon know what happens to them when the Josephs of the world are all dead or silenced.

In the meantime, I and millions of others are watchmen on the walls. We cannot be silent.

© 2019 by Tom King