Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Fox News Commits Ritual Suicide: What Can Be Done?




Boys and girls once again we are witnessing successful conservatives shooting themselves in their collective foot. Though the news doesn't seem to have reached our three amigos at Bill Whittle dot com, Fox News just gave away it's cash cow, having "parted ways" with its news superstar, Tucker Carlson after surrendering to Dominion Voting Machines for 3/4 of a billion dollars and also refusing to pay Dan Bongino what he's worth.

What is it about conservatives that we fracture into insular subgroups and snipe at one another from behind rocks. What are we, Pharisees tearing at each other over the smallest deviation from perceived orthodoxy? Are we Sadducees preaching the gospel of "When you're dead that's all she wrote so godliness is determined by how much money you make." Are we Scribes - bureaucrats of the Temple of Conservatism, writing down everything to the vast confusion of the laity?

What I hope is that Fox had to pay Tucker through the nose to break him out of his contract and that Carlson can, as Rush Limbaugh did in his time, inspire a wave of collegiality and courage among fellow conservatives. Perhaps those news people and commentators among us could band together and create some kind of Conservative version of Netflix that incorporates Daily Wire, The Blaze, Bill Whittle, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Greg Gutfield and refugees from Fox. Hannity, Ingram, and company are going to suffer from the absent lead-in of Tucker Carson.

I wish we could create a combination conservative entertainment and news network that brings all the best conservative content together under a single paywall. Tucker Carlson would bring enough of a following with him to jump start a conservative version of Netflix or Amazon Prime or something like that.  Add on some of the more family oriented entertainment networks like Hallmark, Pureflix, Angel Studios and such and such a streaming service would bury the mainstream media in no time.

Ronald Reagan said that anybody that agrees with you 80% is a friend and ally. If conservatives took that advice to heart, we'd be unstoppable. As it is Revelation talks of an "image to the beast". It's beginning to look like the United States is working on carving out that image in support of a globalist socialist scheme.

To paraphrase Dylan Thomas, we must not go gentle into that rotten night. We must rage against the dying of the light that has for 2 and 1/2 centuries shined as a beacon of hope in a world ravaged by evil and hopelessness.

Tom King

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Plastic Waste in the Ocean - The False Narrative

Four massive garbage scows leave New York headed out to sea.

I post this here with the full knowledge that had I posted it on Facebook, the Facebook Gestapo (FBG) would likely take it down and suspend my account.
They are kind of sensitive about this sort of thing. This way I hope I can post the link and avoid being suspended again.  I checked the source of this chart and it's solid.

This link is to a Politifact article, that is often cited in the fact-check take-downs, claims that, though the numbers are real, it is missing some "nuance." They claim it was long ago (2010) and we've "probably" done a lot worse since then and/or did a lot worse before that and that much of the vast Chinese plastic waste "may" come from products manufactured in the United States. The article waffles a lot and Politifact claims there has to be more mismanaged waste in the ocean without evidence that there is. It also leaves out the fact that not only have we taken steps to reduce plastic waste, the pre-2010 plastic waste they worry about has come largely from Democrat run cities dumping their trash onto big barges and dumping it into the ocean rather than disposing of it sustainably. Even National Geographic, toeing the environmentalist's histrionic line claims the US is responsible for 20% of the world's waste, a dubious figure at best.

I don't see how the US can be blamed because China (which doesn't buy a lot of stuff from us in the first place) dumps US made plastic stuff in the ocean. Shredding and/or recycling it and/or burying it in landfills for future archaeologists to sift through works pretty well and from personal experience digging up buried plastic stuff, it breaks down a whole lot faster than the environmentalists claim it does.

While I agree, we shouldn't dump our plastic in the ocean on purpose, we shouldn't be held responsible for the rest of the planets irresponsible habits. We've cleaned up our air, developed better ways to dispose of our trash and even forced ourselves to recycle, even though in many cases recycling turns out to be a scam. Remember who likes to run waste disposal companies (Guido, Salvatore, Tony, and guys like that). 

Instead of wringing your hands and making people feel guilty in order to manipulate them into giving up a little more control of their own life, why not fix the problem?  Start with the trash barges progressive coastal cities ship out to mid ocean and scatter without concern for the environment. Why do those of us in the heartland have to pay for the sins of the coastal dwellers. If wealthy progressives want clean beaches in front of their oceanfront mansions, maybe they need to convince progressive cities to clean up their messes. 

Those of us who live inland have been figuring out ways to safely dispose of our garbage a long time before it became a political tool.