Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Almost Free at Last, Master Mark!


My April 25 two week Facebook account restriction is supposed to end today - one month later. I think they may have gone back to February and added 2 weeks for the Hillary Clinton meme where she was calling the suicide hotline to place an order. The most recent post was about a guy who went on a school campus with bolt cutters and stole a child's bicycle - a dirty rotten thing to do by most societal standards. 

This February post got me in trouble.
Since the dissolution of CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle, we've had an epidemic of this that (accidentally if you listen to the FB fact checkers) correlates with the mass migration from Seattle by shopkeepers, the elderly and other victims of chronic predatory criminals. It seems the chaos and rampant crime that has plagued Seattle is leaking out into the nearby towns to which Seattle refugees have escaped. In my town, developers are rapidly building condos and apartment buildings for senior especially, to capture the flood of refugees with a glut of empty apartments freshly constructed. Many of these are specifically for seniors - Millenials and post-Millenials (whatever they are calling themselves) are excluded from these apartment complexes for obvious reasons, the penchant for loud late night parties, orgies, pooping in the pool and drug trafficking being just some of the reasons they don't want that kind in their "serene senior communities."  

Meanwhile in Seattle there are so many moving out leaving behind nearly abandoned senior housing complexes and empty apartments, that the progressive city council is thinking of installing their homeless drug addicts and mental patients in those empty apartments. The folks still living in those apartments, of course, are thrilled with the idea of having people used to living in the local tent cities as next door neighbors, leading I'm pretty sure to more episodes of 'Escape from New Seattle'.~ (note this punctuation mark .~ is called a snark mark and indicates sarcasm for those readers from Rio Linda who may miss it).~  

Anyway, I originally wrote this as a Facebook post, but decided that it would be safer to post it as a blog post with an innocuous headline that the vapid fact checkers of Facebook might miss. Anyway, the whole thing is ridiculous, but that's our leftist brothers and sisters who seem to be vying to see who can be the most ridiculous. This used to be called propaganda; now it's called marketing. It used to be called lying; now it's called "fighting disinformation."  

Gotta love them, they tell us.~ Yeah, right! © 2022 by Tom King

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