Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Leftist Blackshirts Preparing Themselves to Go Up Against the Wall

It happens every time. The Brownshirts, Blackshirts, or whatever jack-booted thugs the left finds to sew chaos and create fear as cover for the takeover of whatever government they are trying to take over this week. Once the Marxists are in place and have full control of the military, they round up the people who did their bidding. They have to because these Marxist shock troops have a tendency to not know when to stop. When some of the people who helped the most in bringing down the government get a little too ambitious for power, their betters will take them out. Hitler did it. Stalin did it. Mao did it. One of the most dangerous things you can be in a Marxist revolution is to be too enthusiastic about gaining and holding power for yourself.

In Washington State, Governor Inslee just announced that the lockdowns will end in late January (when Biden is sworn in as president. When the conservative press called him on this miraculous ending of the pandemic and pointed out that it made the lockdown sound political, Inslee responded by extending the lockdown for an additional week to prove that it wasn't political. 

In Colorado, eco-terrorists shut off the gas lines and left thousands of rich white liberals without heat in below zero weather.
Poor things couldn't even build a fire because their fireplaces don't burn wood but have fake logs and run on, you guessed it, natural gas. These guys are probably rethinking their donations to some of the radical environmentalist groups they support with their tribute money. If they can't buy protection and get treated just like the proletariat, what's the point?

This week the ABC Political Director called for Trump followers to be "cleansed"
   He's not the only leftist to call for Trump followers to be purged. They should be warned. Troublesome folk tend to be themselves purged, particularly if they make the mistake of complaining when all those socialist promises don't work out like they expected.

© 2021 by Tom King

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