Thursday, January 14, 2021

Guerrrilla Wordsmiths - Join Today

I have a suggestion. How about a guerrilla war of words? Facebook has chosen to ban the phrase "S.t.o.p t.h.e. S.t.e.a.l"  I did that to dodge the FB algorithm that searches out the phrase and automatically deletes me! So here's an idea.

Let's keep Georgie Porgie Soros's henchmen busy trying to ban all the variations of the words and phrases they want to ban. They can't write an algorithm to ban individual words without crippling the Facebook platform. So, I challenge fellow wordsmiths to come up with thousands of variants of our call to arms (which phrase HAS been banned here). For that matter anytime we find they've banned a phrase we start crafting variants as fast as we can.

There are so many other ways to say a thing that it's impractical and impossible to keep up with a truly determined gang of guerrilla wordsmiths. Let's keep them busy with trivia and appeals when they ban us. With enough of us assaulting social media with banned post variants, we can drain their resources. We've got time and we have access to thesauruses. This'll be fun. Pass this link along ASAP before some rat-fink turns us in to the speech police. The trick is to keep it rolling and morphing into something different every time the thought police find a new phrase or iea. What collapses socialism is its inability to control everything from Moscow, uh, I mean Beijing on the Potomac. 

Death by a thousand cuts they call it. The trick is to use their own madness against them. And almost as importantly, we can have fun while we are doing it. The cheerful tweaking of the over inflated egos and the poking of holes in the pompous know-it-all Marxist gasbags is really enormous fun, especially if you can make them run around chasing their tails. They do it to themselves. 

So lets do as all those politically correct mommies and teachers tell us to do. 

"Use your words!"

© 2021 by Tom King


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