Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Just Say "No!" A New Drug Epidemic

Notice how small the group of "warriors" is and how large
the group of people taking pictures. "Many a small thing has
been made large by the right kind of advertising." - Mark Twain

Want to know why Antifa, BLM, the KKK and the alt-right hate each other so much? They're rival socialist groups duking it out for power (see Germany 1932 - Communists vs Nazis). Neither of these extremist groups must win the center. Honest conservatives and liberals should stand back to back against these dangerous groups.

Violence and power are a kind of drug to extremists acting in mobs. It's addictive. Those who lust for power get off on it. It's the most effective path to power when used against those who dislike violence.

Violence is the most effective tool for seizing the power you lust for if you're just willing quiet your conscience and to use it without mercy. The biggest bully gets to rule the playground. You'd think we'd grow out of that after a while. No such luck!  Children who bully grow up to be bigger bullies.

We can have a civil discussion about the kind of government we should have so long as those having the discussion leave their bricks and bats at home. That's how our forefathers reached the good old American compromises that got us to where we are today. They were not always perfect compromises or even good compromises, but each one moved us ahead, if only a little bit.

If the forces of power and intimidation, the my way or the highway crowd win, if those who want powerful government prevail, then we're all in trouble. Give them power and they'll never leave us alone to live our lives in peace again (see 20th century Germany, Italy, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Uganda, Rwanda, Libya, Venezuela in the 21st, and all the rest).

Just say no to big government power of any kind. It just isn't American and the reason we American mutts left all the other nations of the Earth is because we didn't like being ruled by kings, queens, emperors, dictators, politburos and potentates. So why on God's green Earth would we want to create an image to those bloody beasts we left behind?

© 2017 by Tom King

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