Monday, May 1, 2023

Repeating a Lie Doesn't Make it True


"Tucker Carlson lies," said my left-leaning friend. "I'm glad he got taken out."  Notice how the left talks about its opponents in terms of assassination and military destruction. It's as though they are at war with those who express any ideas, views or beliefs that disagree with theirs. They act as if we are germs who must be eradicated or at the very least, neutralized and silenced. An old Marxist/Nazi propaganda technique is to tell a lie over and over till it becomes the truth. There is an element of childishness in this. If you've had children of your own, you've seen the dear little cherubs stick to a lie when as my Mom once said, "The truth would suit you better." As we grow up, though, we learn the value of the truth, even when it contradicts your cherished opinions.
Saying that Carlson, Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh, or any of the thousands of conservative Amercans are liars over and over doesn't make it true. The left has this odd belief that anything that disagrees with Marxism or shows the progressive ideology in a bad light is a lie. The left has redefined the word lie to mean anything that doesn't fit my ideology. Toddlers are like that. Anything that contradicts their desires is mean, not fair and must be rejected with a stamp of the foot. The idea that we're all kind of stupid and need smart people to tell us what to do is appealing to people who believe they are the sort of smart people we need to obey. In school, I knew them as bullies.

Being a Christian and student of prophecy, I have a pretty good idea who wants us all to join hands in one global centrally planned society both politically and religiously. 

The papacy is calling for an end to Martin Luther's little protest and for the Christian church to come back to the mother church.
The last couple of popes have called for one world government "with teeth" (their words not mine) and he wasn't talking about anything based on the bill of rights. The successors of John Paul have been practically socialist missionaries. The progressive left and it's allies in the religious left fantasize about global socialism with no evidence that their brand of Marxism won't turn out to be another wave of genocides. That's exactly what one of the founders of progressivism Charles Darwin predicted as the inevitable way to clean up the human race. 
People on the left claim I am a hater because I am a conservative with no evidence of my hating anyone. Despite my nearly half a century of working for children, seniors, low income families, oppressed minorities, people with disabilities , the abused and mentally ill, I am damned as a hater because I don't believe in powerful rulers and central planning. None of this matters to die hard leftists who are dancing in the streets because they think they have silenced someone who told things out loud that hurt their plans to take down America.
The pathetic thing is that these progressive foot soldiers are certain they will be rewarded with
snug positions with the leader class when the revolution comes.
Perhaps they should read about what happened to the Brownshirts, the Mensheviks, the Italian blackshirts that got too uppity and the 65 million Chinese that Mao exterminated in his attempts to create the perfect communist society. So whatever you guys do, don't look at an actual history book. Read Howard Zinn or Saul Alinsky in order to feel good about lying for a "good cause." Pay no attention to the devil behind the curtain.

© 2023 by Tom King

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