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Democrat - No relation |
Puyallup is where the tides meet. Currently, builders here are putting up senior-living apartments as fast as they can cut down fir trees to build them. Don't worry, those things grow back fast. I counted the rings on a giant one we cut down last year and discovered that I was quite a bit older than that huge hunk of lumber. There's enough wood in one of those to build a 3 bedroom house.
Seniors are fleeing Seattle, a once lovely city, called the Emerald City by folks who loved the city and they are fleeing in droves. They are fleeing a massive influx of homeless, drug addicts and growing crime and a government that pretty much encourages it. They don't prosecute shop-lifting so long as you can stuff it in your jacket and get out the door. They do prosecute business owners who knock down shoplifters and sit on them till the police come. The "summer of love" we had up here left a whole once-beautiful section of town trashed and storefronts empty as store-owners fled. Apparently the old people followed. They are filling up senior apartment complexes as fast as builder can put them up.
Sadly, the predators who preyed on them in Seattle, seem to have followed them here. We've had a spike in car thefts, porch piracy, vandalism, arson, robberies and mugging have increased dramatically in our little once quiet neighborhood. And the bull-dozing of local woodlands for new senior housing has displaced the local wildlife. We've got a couple of deer herds roaming our neighborhood using the patches of woods around our houses for shelter. Also displaced have been coyotes, bobcats and even a bear, so much so that people's pets are coming up missing.
So into all this, the above announcement appeared on the Neighborhood app letting us know that help was on the way in the form of a "slightly left-leaning Democrat" we might have the privilege of writing in for county council "person". His post sparked a huge, sometimes rancorous debate. I have the right to remain silent but not the ability, so I jumped in on the discussion. I was polite mind you and to his credit so was he. Some folks, however did get a little nasty. I find it's a waste of time trying to communicate with delusional people, but not every leftist on the thread was unreasonable. Though Mr. King lost me at "Left-leaning Democrat", we were able to have a civil discussion about my issues with the Democrat approach to governance.
My grocery bill doubled starting from the day Joe Biden put his hand on the Bible and was sworn in. Governor Jay Inslee is a nightmare and has presided over massive open and hidden tax increases that have essentially along with Biden's inflation made it harder for those of us on fixed incomes. Now my friend Mr. King wants an opportunity to bring "regressive" leftist notions to our local community (and no I didn't misspell progressive). The last thing we need is solid Democrat representation all the way up the chain to Washington, DC.
These guys talk a good game, but all they've gotten us with their piles of government programs that sound good is a crime rate that's through the roof (see Seattle), a grocery and gas price increase that's no more 17%, than the moon is made of green cheese. We've suffered an explosion of drug crimes, homelessness and unpunished shoplifting, virtually non-existent borders, and a military that's being gutted and replaced with as many political radicals as they can recruit. We've had a crime wave in our neighborhood that has touched everyone. My wife's meds were stolen from our mailbox. It's so bad that a guy who set fire to the highway last year, was released in an hour, then walked down the street and tried to rob a store. Then a few months later he shows up here and was caught ripping off packages from people's porches and breaking into a car, stuffing it full of stolen packages, then trying to steal the car. Wanna bet he's out again?
All we need is another elitist leftist trying to tell us how all us members of the proletariat ought to live, think, eat, work, play and procreate, while figuring out how to disarm us and make us subservient to the collective (see leftism = Marxism). Even the left-leaning light agenda of Democrats is riddled with bad ideas, discredited and dangerous notions.
How's that for what I disagree with about left-leaning Democrats? This thread started out openly left-leaning political so the moderators didn't delete the thread. Here in the suburbs, naked hypocrisy is a little too out there. So if the thread were deleted, we'd all know what party's doing the editing and, probably, the vote counting around here.
Do I sound angry and disgusted with the political left. Well I do because I am. I paid attention in history class and read extensively on the subject over the past 58 years since I was 10 years old. left-leaning is not to be trusted and definitely not something we want to see running our little corner of Pierce County. Puyallup is facing an invasion from the gulag north of us as surely as the border states are being invaded from the South. I get why refugees want to leave Mexico and Seattle. The trouble is they bring the predators with them. If you read our website and count up the car theft, property theft and damage and general crime increase in our once pleasant little neighborhood, you'll see the problem.
Why is it important that government be largely local? I sat in on meetings as a reporter in Klickitat County where it was discussed whether or not to copy a neighboring Oregon county and create survey teams with Public Health officials and armed Homeland Security officers to go around and record whether or not families were vaccinated or not, and while they were at it to check for flags (like the Betsy Ross flag which has been declared a white supremacist dog whistle), whether the household possessed any guns, evidence of pro-Trump signs, religious iconography and other potential indicators of domestic white supremacist terrorism.
Fortunately the county commissioners were NOT left-leaning Democrats. When asked if she would organize such a survey team, the county public health director answered, "Oh, hell no! I don't want to get shot!" Having that sort of power at the local level is how we guard our communities from federal meddling.
For me, it's why not to vote for left-leaning Democrats - to prevent this sort of collectivist nonsense from gaining a foothold. We don't need politicians telling us how to take care of our local problems. I was for 20 years a community organizer in Texas working across party lines. We got things done for our communities that a bunch of central planners in the halls of government had screwed up. We don't need left-leaning Democrats in power here either. We threw them out in East Texas. I recommend we do that same thing in the sensible parts of Washington State. Sorry to ramble on, but I have way too much experience with left-leaning Democrats. They're some bad juju I'm here to tell you. I don't hate them. I've even converted some of my left-leaning Democrat friends. They just have latched on to some bad ideas and run with them.
© 2022 by Tom King
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