Monday, June 27, 2022

Insurrection Label Confirms the Left's Trouble with "The People"

Funny how the party of the people gets vicious when confronted by the actual "people". This from Juliette Kayyem, a progressive Harvard professor and former Obama official, and I quote... "Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks." During the Antifa and BLM riots this woman was all about supporting the misnamed peaceful protests. She supported "protestors" that caused billions in damages and wants violence against protestors that truly are "peaceful". The leftist politicians in Canada, taking a cue from the Biden administration quickly labeled the Canadian trucker convoy an "insurrection".

Insurrections happen when "the people" are displeased with their government and they've finally had enough. By labeling protests by ordinary Americans an "insurrection", they are admitting that "the people" don't like what their leaders are doing. And guess what my elitist progressive friends who think you are better than us ordinary people who worry about high gas prices that have tripled, grocery prices that have doubled, and utility bills that have us opening the windows and turning off the heat and AC? 
As it turns out, the people don't like what you are doing dear leaders! We don't like it at all.

© 2022 by Tom King


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