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Is this any way to enter a new homeland. |
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You should not have to risk death in the desert to get here. |
An unapologetic collection of observations from the field as the world comes to what promises to be a glorious and, at the same time, a very nasty end.
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Is this any way to enter a new homeland. |
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You should not have to risk death in the desert to get here. |
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Smiling Democrats Flee Texas |
Exempting Seattle/King county is a smart move. Don't want to make the people who got you elected when there's a recall petition floating around out there. But as another flim flam man once said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." I AM JAY. THE GREAT AND POWERFUL!
© 2021 by Tom King
If you believe that I have a couple of bridges and some real estate in South Florida to sell you.
"switched" beliefs in the 60s; just tactics. Racism is still at the
heart of the strategy of the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation,
poll taxes, church-bombings, the assassination of Dr. King, of abortion
as a way to control "human weeds" and of the lynchings of black men and
Republicans. But Democrats would have you believe in some kind of mystical mass conversion to goodness and light that happened in the 60s as a result of the riots, Woodstock, sex, drugs and rock n' roll.
It's all about power and how to gain more of it. Marxism, which is the engine that drives progressivism, would restore the old noble class and relegate the rest of us to the status of serfs in servitude to the state. The New People's Republic of Amerika would no longer be "of the people, by the people, and for the people." It would be "of the state, by the state, and for the state." The Bill of Rights would be declared obsolete, a thing of the past, blocking the path forward to the new Utopia and the progressive Ubermen, or more accurately, Uberpersons (if they even allow the term person since part of that word is "son" and therefore genderism).
It's all been a shell game all along. In the end, we will discover to the dismay of some and as no surprise to the rest of us, that there is no pea under any of the shells they've been shuffling all these years. There never was. It was just a way to fool you and take your money from you. The Cloward Piven Strategy was supposed to force anarchy among the poor, the failure of the economy, and dependence on a Democrat president and congress to save the new legions of the poor who were to become dependent on the welfare system. This would collapse the system under the weight of entitlements and bring about full socialism including policies like a guaranteed income, nationalized healthcare, and a massive redistribution of wealth to save the country,
The strategy was embraced by the left wing of the Democrat party and arguably brought about the breakup of black families and a massive debt burden for the United States and for taxpayers for many generations to come. There is an old politically incorrect metaphor about the pot calling the kettle black. The myth of Nixon's "Southern Strategy" (he lost the South in a big way), and the racist politicians all switching parties (only one did and he had a black mistress and child), is pure bunk. Of the crew of openly racist senators and congressmen, only one of their number switched sides, for the reasons I said. The rest remained Democrats and it took more than 30 years to flush them all out of office.
What we're seeing now is what I call the "New Deal" Racism. Joe Biden is doubling down on everything that has failed in the past along the march to progressive socialism. Shoot, Karl Marx couldn't even hold a job himself. His ideaology has cost hundreds of millions of lives, reduced billions to abject poverty, given us extermination camps, race targeted mass abortion of the unborn to reduce those human weeds Margaret Sanger used to talk about, gulags, bloody wars, deliberate mass starvation of further millions and a veritable plague of terrorism worldwide. But, sadly, as Harry Nillson's Rock Man told Oblio in Nillson's animated musical The Point....
"You see what you wanna see and you hear what you wanna hear, you dig?"
© 2021 by Tom King
It's coming. The forces of darkness are moving. The long-awaited Marxist revolution is on the verge of becoming inevitable. Most of us have no idea how desperate are the evil angels working behind this titanic lie being foisted on mankind. As they see time running out for them they will become more and more frantic. The deeper we look into it, the more disheartening the outlook for mankind appears. I believe we are almost at a tipping point.
When reading the stuff being posted, broadcast and delivered in impassioned speeches by the misnamed progressives, you can feel the feeding frenzy building. It will very likely give birth to horrors that dwarf the Inquisition, the Holocaust and Mao's Great Leap forward and the subsequent Cultural Revolution that cost tens of millions of Chinese their lives. What is before us is certainly to be bloody and horrifying in its scope. We need not despair, however.
“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” - Matthew 24:22
But we also know that every time we see signs of how deep Satan has his hooks in our leaders, in our culture and in our governments, we know that He is coming with a shout and the last trump and every eye shall see him and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then, we who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet Him in the air and so shall we be with Him forever. I am so looking forward to that incredible journey through space-time to those homes He has prepared for us. How great will that be? So much to see. So much to do. No pain, no failing bodies, eternal youth and energy with the wisdom earned during our lives on Earth. God is so very good. I am so grateful for God says...
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
- Isaiah 41:10
So as it works out, all this bad news is actually good news. We see the signs in the Earth, in the culture. We watch it on the TV. We hear it on the radio and read it in the news. We download the scenes of the gathering horror from the Internet. The storm clouds are rolling in, but we need not despair.
"And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. - Matthew 24:32
Looking forward to that day....
© 2021 by Tom King
It's started again. Another run at getting the good old Fairness Doctrine back into law. Wisely tossed out back in 1986, the Fairness Doctrine said that for every minute a broadcaster aired one opinion, he had to offer equal time to someone of the opposite opinion. I remember that equal time. The FCC never really enforced the Doctrine. If, for instance, noted lefty Walter Cronkite offered an editorial opinion in a special segment, filmed in his impressive office with thick leather-bound books on the shelves behind him, and labeled as an editorial, then the station was required to find the most inept speaker for the opposition and offer to stand him in front of a bare wall and supposedly give the opposing view. Nobody was fooled as to which speaker was supposed to be the more reliable.
In it's later years, the Fairness Doctrine was weaponized against upstart radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Radio stations snatched up his syndicated show because he drew tens of millions of listeners and a ton of advertisers and what radio station doesn't love advertisers? The FCC started demanding that radio stations put up competing talk shows like those of the woeful Jim Hightower who drew tens of dozens of listeners. Stations consistently lost money on liberal talk radio shows. Nobody wanted to listen to them, because as we know, leftists already know everything so why listen to someone say what they already know?
As Rush used to say, however, his show WAS "equal time." It was always an open secret that the Fairness Doctrine watered down news stories, editorial opinions and even straight reporting. It was hazardous to do anything controversial (i.e. conservative) lest broadcasters be required to put up hours of content that nobody wanted to listen to and which wound up costing the stations money when ad revenue didn't cover the station's overhead. At the same time, news, entertainment and even advertising were steeped in so-called "progressive" opinion and the FCC didn't notice. Rush was a lone voice crying in the wilderness, but he opened the airwaves to dozens of other commentators like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Mark Levin, and others who would never have gotten airtime under the repressive Fairness Doctrine.
The Congress finally recognized the lop-sided enforcement and effect of the Fairness Doctrine and repealed it in 1986. Ronald Reagan signed the repeal with a flourish. In the wake of the repeal, Fox News arose along with other conservative voices, where, before there had been few if any conservatives allowed to speak on-air. No longer was conservative speech limited to William F. Buckley who was safely relegated to his "Firing Line" program so the network could claim it was giving time to conservative views while minimizing his impact.
With the repeal of the "Fairness Doctrine", voices were heard as the Constitution intended in the first amendment, without government restriction. After 1986, a media pundit could speak as he or she wished so long as they could attract an audience. The Constitution never guaranteed that the government would provide you with a soapbox to preach from, nor that someone must herd together an audience to listen to you. You can say what you want, but we fellow Americans don't have to listen to you. There's the rub for progressives. The progressive movement's success depends on their being able through laws, rewards, punishments and propaganda to convince Americans that individually they are nothing, only so much as they serve the state (and it's elite leaders who, by the way, work so hard for "the people" that they get limos and dachas in the country as perks for being so great).
Fair does not mean "the same". Webster's defines FAIR as: