Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Problem with Conspiracies

What do I mean "accidentally" cooperating. Is there some organization to progressive plans to take over the United States?  Well, yes. I personally hink it's the Democrat party in cahoots with government spy and law enforcement agencies trying to organize it all. They aren't the only culprits by any means and note that I say "trying" to organize. But is it all part of a vast Skull and Bones, Star Chamber, Illuminati, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Freemason, Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiracy to which resistance is futile? 
No I don't think so.
Satan would love for us to believe that everything that happens is a result of powerful invisible human forces. Such powerful entities might ignore us if we stay quiet and small. If disasters and random terrorism does not require a vast plot, then such things might be random, unpredictable and might kill you no matter how innocuous we try to be. 
But vast organized conspiracies would require millions of minions, all ready to submit their wills to some all powerful leader. That's harder to do and again, it means convincing millions to keep secrets, to do horrible things on command and to sacrifice their own lives if ordered to. Keeping such a vast organization secret isn't easy. Hitler and Mussolini couldn't do it. Stalin couldn't do it, Mao couldn't do it. Pol Pot couldn't do it and so on and so on. 
Instead, at least in the early stages of the necessary "revolution," you have to sell an ideology - something that seems to make sense like Marxist statism. It's such a compelling idea and it's been successfully sold to generations of youth, despite the fact that the idea has never worked in practice. This has been done in the years since World War II in university and within the popular culture. It's been done by creating a messiah martyr in John F. Kennedy to whom, once he was safely dead, could be ascribed high socialist ideals. It was launched by the Apostle Lyndon (LBJ) who followed him and created The Great Society welfare state which effectively undermined the Civil Rights Bill and found another way to keep folk on the Democrat/Progressive plantation.
Devotees of progressivism all want to create a powerful government structure to force the new human created Utopia by law and by law enforcement. The trouble is and has always been that once the power structure is in place to do this, it attracts corruptible people like a magnet. The way Satan works it is by appealing to large groups of people's self-centered lust for power. This gets them all moving in the same direction giving the appearance that it's more organized than it really is. The fact that there are so many evil agencies indicates just how poor the actual organization of vast right or left wing conspiracies is. 
Universities are selling Marxism as the "in" thing so practically everybody who is a member of our educated elite is doing the same Marxists things they were told by their professors that would give us a socialist Utopia - made by man without all that pesky traditional religion. It may look like they are all part of some mighty plot. It looks like a vast conspiracy because they are all using the same tools, riding the same horses, and singing the same songs.

Instead, like a runaway buffalo herd, they're all being run off the same cliff, spooked by loud noises behind them and led by the biggest bulls in front of them. It will not end well. Movement stimulated by fear seldom ends up where we hoped it would in our panic and terror."Ten years and global warming will kill us all," for just one instance. The use of such fear-based whips to steer the herd is moving us toward the tipping point at which progressivism's triumph is inevitable, the cliff if you will, over which we will all irrevocably plunge once more into Marx's often-failed, never successful worker's paradise.
Satan's favorite tool is chaos. The chaos is obvious when you look closely. It scares the crap out of people to think that a handful of terrorists can bring down a building and kill 3000 people, so they need it to be some powerful conspiracy. An election defies expectations so it seems like massively organized fraud, when it's much more likely that fraud took place because local groups all wanted to help turn the election. Some found ways to crudely throw big blocks of votes into the boxes, foreign governments helped where they could and it happened. It wasn't like any one over-arching conspiracy controlled it all. That way you can search for an organized conspiracy all you want to and not find one. Nobody gave the order. It's just that they all want the same reward, so they all work together from a shared desire, for progressivism to win and for all opponents to fall before its inevitable march to the future. What is created is moveable, directable chaos.
That doesn't mean leftists, frantic to win one for the team, didn't do all they could to try to affect the election, for instance. The shared outcome goal of a full socialist takeover of the US Government is a powerful incentive for rabid progressive socialists to contribute their personal efforts to Barak Obama's goal of "fundamental change". Because the groups involved were working individually, often using the same tactics, you get the effect of a conspiracy without the centralized organizational traces. That's how guerrilla groups and terrorist cells are organized - each acting but without any discoverable links between them. And every terrorist, Antifa, BLM, Black Panther, and terrorist cell firmly believes that when the revolution comes, they will be members of the ruling elite, their efforts recognized by whatever dear leaders manage to claw their way to the top. This, despite evidence that socialist regimes tend to shoot the more fanatic of their foot soldiers precisely because they aspire to join the ranks of the leader class. Remember "The Night of the Long Knives."
In fact, because the "conspiracy" is actually quite fragmented, you could run an investigation of the thing for years and not find any smoking guns or evidence for a central authority behind all this apparently conspiratorial activity. If the past proves useful it is in that it provides all the evidence you need of how these same ideologies turn out when put into practice (if you bother to read actual history and not the Marxist pablum university professors like Howard Zinn in his severely distorted People's History put out). FDR and Woodrow Wilson and their cronies loved Stalin, Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini back in the day. Socialism was going to be the cure for all our troubles. They were in fact, practically a mutual admiration society. Subscribers to HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw and Woodrow Wilson's shared a vision of a "scientifically" designed new world order. It might have actually brought the world to its end much sooner, except as pointed out above by me, there is always a bloody scramble to sit in the emperor's chair eventually. The progressive dream turned out badly for some half a billion people before the great wars and pogroms of the 20th century were done. 
That bloody payday gets forgotten, often deliberately. It is especially so, when leftists are busily implementing that old Communist/Facist playbook step by step all over again right down to the disarming of the populace, seizure of private industry, medical care, and law enforcement and the management of it all from a powerful central government. Every method of controlling people must be raked up in the coffers of our betters among the leader class. They've taken the theories of Darwin, Marx, Hegel, BF Skinner, Lyotard, Maslow, Francis Galton and HG Wells and poured it all into a watered down bowl of progressive soup and propose to force the proletariat to drink from it and be glad they've got that much.

Frank Herbert once said:

It is the fatal flaw in all plans for a human designed perfect world. People of great intellect are especially vulnerable to the progressive idea. Even Albert Einstein pondered in an essay that there ought to be some way for smart people to create a society where everyone's needs are met, where peace is required and enforced and where the best aspirations of man are free to be realized. What Albert failed to account for was what a science fiction author like Frank Herbert clearly saw. There are in this world corruptible persons - unconverted hearts who serve themselves above all, and you can count on such evil people to mess things up.

As it turns out the only possible "paradise" is one peopled by individuals, each believing he or she should treat others as they would be treated and relying on the power of God to write that principal upon their hearts. Nothing else works. We keep looking for happiness without God, but as CS Lewis pointed out, such a happiness does not exist. We are not made that way. Satan told Eve we would be like gods. All we had to do was disobey a little. Don't we see just that same lie in the promises of the progressive ideology? Still we plunge headlong toward what must inevitably be a disaster. It's not like our prophets and messengers haven't seen it coming.

© 2021 by Tom King

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