Friday, April 23, 2021

Hooray, Hoorah! We've Got Democrats in Power Once Again!

So Biden has given us what now?
- Border crisis and more kids in cages.
- Sharp uptick in mass shootings
- More race riots
- Spike in crime rates
- More division
- Open suppression of free speech, assembly and the press.
- Banning of conservative voices from public media.
- Increasing crony capitalism between big corporations and the Democrat run government.
- Inflation and economic uncertainty.
- Theft of income from our grandkids due to horrific government overspending.
- Extension of mask mandates, business closures, small business failures, and personal bankruptcies
- A fake drop in CoVid deaths when WHO changed the testing standards the day Biden was inaugurated.
- We've rejoined WHO and the Paris Climate accords.
- We've bowed the knee to China.
- Russia is threatening to invade Ukraine (they need the wheat).
- China is threatening Taiwan (they just don't like the idea of Chinese people living in freedom).
- Threats to digitize money and force all to have a vaccine passport. (That's not going to end well since the software involved will be able to force people to obey government commands or they can't buy and sell).
- Increasing signs of senility in the president.
- Abandoning Afghanistan
- The fall of Afghanistan and helicopters on the embassy just like 'Nam
- An openly socialist VP. (Ah but she's black and she doesn't look black so that's okay by Joe)
- An ammunition supply shortage (tell me that's an accident).
- Gun control laws that violate the 2nd amendment.
- Attempts to federalize elections and prohibit state ID requirements for voting.
- Restocking of colonias with underpaid illegal alien workers (The big agribusiness corporations are very happy about that.
Oh, it's a beautiful day in America now that Democrats are back in charge!!!
See how great things are.........................................

© 2021 by Tom King

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