Monday, October 12, 2020

Both Democrat Candidates Had Ancestors Who Owned Slaves


Okay, this blog will very soon be banned on Facebook so if you want to pass it on do so quickly. I'm pretty sure the leftist fact-checkers will find "missing context" - something like "Yeah, but they are Democrats so it doesn't count."

We do have the missing context, however - at least enough credible data to say with confidence that the Bidens and Harrises partook of the benefits of human slavery. To reassure my loyal readers, here are two links to documentation of the claims  - one from Biden family genealogical research (His ancestors owned from six to sixteen slaves), and another article citing a family history report written by Harris' own father, who is a Stanford University economics professor. 

Let's be fair about this. We might all have slave-owning ancestors if we dig back far enough. In my own case I haven't found any slave-owners - a couple of abolitionists, some pretty horrible Viking kings, a debauched Roman emperor (they often had household slaves) and Vlad Dracul - a military commander so evil he frightened the Turks into abandoning their invasion of Europe. So I've got lots of sin up my family tree. None of it is mine, however. And the slavery in the Biden and Harris family doesn't exclude them from the human race. Nor does Mitch McConnel's ancestors who, according to the leftist media, may have owned slaves, exclude him from being a right proper human being. We offer the same set of rules for everyone. Republicans and conservatives believe you are responsible for your own behavior and are not responsible for what your parents did. If we are, we should all just go shoot ourselves.

If, however, we go by Democrat cancel culture rules, both Biden and Harris should be canceled. Furthermore, they should be kicked off the ticket and probably be forced to present themselves for public scourging for the sins of their fathers if the new ultra-Puritan Socialist New World Order/Utopia/Worker's Paradise comes to power (if they can successfully rig the elections this year).

That is, of course, a great big crock of stupid, and totalitarian systems only reserve that iron-pantsed authoritarianism for the proletariat. The leader class gets a pass because they "work so hard for the people" which entitles them to big houses on the beach and to harvest millions of dollars from their public service. I leave it to you to guess who's paying them extra to do their job "well".

© 2020 by Tom King

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