Monday, March 20, 2017

Hypocrites calling Hypocrites Hypocrites

The Descent of Political Discourse

Good cow! Now the Democrats and the Leftist Media are accusing Donald Trump of a "l
ack of transparency." Really? After the Obama administrations stunningly consistent opaque presidency, perhaps the least transparent in history, the hypocrisy is incredible. If it weren't for the odd open microphone we'd never have known Obama intended to sell us out to the Russians in his second term. If it wasn't for nosy cameras we'd never have seen him bowing to emperors, Saudi kings and assorted other potentates with titles. His signature legislation, Obamacare, was passed famously "before we could know what was in it." Not terribly transparent given that we discovered after it was passed that our health insurance would become more rather than less expensive and that we weren't going to be allowed to keep our doctors and health plans as promised.

I've so far been polite in my responses to most of my liberal friends and not accused them of things not in evidence. And yet, because I like some things Trump has done, I'm accused of Trump hero worship. So I will repeat what I have already said before. Trump is no hero of mine and I never have said he was. On the contrary. I've said I distrust him all along and that I will watch his actions with proper skepticism and set up a howl if he does something I don't like, although it will probably cause Democrats to cheer when he does some such thing.

Democrats are responsible for Trump anyway. They queered the Republican primary by some 12 million crossing over to vote for him and force the nomination, despite strong conservative opposition including mine. They didn't think he could beat Hillary. Unfortunately, they are not as smart as they think they are. Democrats really missed how much Americans disliked Mrs. Clinton.

Trump's their boy at heart. Even his repeal of Obamacare isn't really a repeal at all. Trumpcare is being sold as a better brand of Obamacare. It reminds me of Hitler claiming that Nazism was a better form of Marxism. Trump is obviously no politician. The fact that he hasn't been a politician is one of the few things in his favor as far as I am concerned. He's so inept at politics that the liberal press has their noses more deeply into dark places than they have for the past eight years. They are actually doing their job for a change which is kind of refreshing.

Trump's actions thus far (the official ones, not his tweets and the unimportant things the liberal press keeps harping on) have been heartening, and more than a little entertaining as liberal hair spontaneously combusts every time he sends out a tweet. One liberal friend complained about my use of past historical events, my "written words, sentences and paragraphs" that I used in responding to accusations against the President. What did they want. Should I hum a little tune to soothe their hurt feelings? I could play a little tune on my homemade banjo - a lullaby perhaps? Barring that, I have nothing with which to respond other than words, sentences and paragraphs.

That's the problem with us conservatives, my friends. We read history and we remember some lessons from it. Someone once said, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." Two things I have learned from history that apply to my friendly debates with my buddies on the distaff side of the aisle. 
  1. Socialism and centralized government power, whether it's held by kings, emperors, commissars, politburos or presidents. It inevitably never works out well for the proletariat. 
  2. Socialists do not learn by experience. They keep trying the same thing over and over again, hoping it will turn out better this time.
Sadly, the left, I have discovered, only believe in free speech for themselves. They prefer not to hear opposing opinions that challenge the unearned sense of moral superiority that they gain from believing the "correct" ideology. They tend to want to silence anyone who presents words, sentences and paragraphs which make sense but disagree with the assumptions of their Marxist progressivism and which do not feed the sense of moral superiority that comes with belonging to the special ideological elite who will run things once the progressive agenda is accomplished.

The trouble with Democrats, said Ronald Reagan once, is that so much of what they know just ain't so. I think it's why they don't want to hear from people like me. Instead when I point out the hypocrisy of the left for criticizing their boy Trump for the same things that their boy Obama did during his reign, they tend to stick their fingers in their ears and go "La, la, la, la." No kidding, I heard a reporter refer to Obama's presidency as his "reign" once. It was more than a little disturbing and rather revealing.

Leftist judges have blocked Trump's immigration and travel restrictions from the very same countries that former president Obama identified as threats. The most recent judge actually said that if Obama had done the same thing as Trump it would have been okay, but because of things Trump said, it's not legal. In other words, judges have now created "thought crimes" which they can lay at the president's door.

Well, it's going along just about like I thought it would. It looks like "1984" may take an additional 40 years, but it appears that Orwell's scary state is still coming with it's government altering of history, language and culture for the purposes of creating the proper sort of proletariat that will subsume it's will to the dictates of the collective and, of course, it's elite intellectual leaders, who will, of course, live in luxurious country dachas with servants and security as a reward for being smarter than the rest of us stupid cattle.

As I've said before, I believe that Jesus is loading up the bus to come and get us. I'm not worried about the Marxists. Their idea of creating a man-made Utopia is doomed to fail in a big messy way. I hope to leave on the bus before I am killed in the collapse. If that happens, I'm not worried. I know where I'm going and I am at peace with that.

Just sayin'

© 2017 by Tom King

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