© 2020 by Tom King
I thought folks in Michigan who have been banned from buying gardening
supplies at Walmart might enjoy this one I just whipped up with Governor
Gretchen the Merciless's image. It has been pointed out by my friends, who are members of the loyal opposition, that it is unjust of me to accuse the governor of banning gardening in Michigan to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Flu. You, can after all, still buy seeds at local hardware stores, grocery stores and specialty shops. You'll just have to pay more for them. And ain't that
the Democrat way. As one friend put it, "Is not your local grocer open? Your
Ace hardware store? Your local garden center? They're not limited and
they need your business more than the big box stores do. When I lived
in Michigan I always shopped local and worked local.
And there it is. The Democrat moral superiority as demonstrated by their love for the little guy and disdain for Walmart! Democrats for some reason are always trying to shift the market back to higher-priced
smaller, so-called "local" stores. It's part of the way the left acquires its unearned moral superiority. But this isn't Europe. Most of us raggedy Americans aren't part of the British upper classes, shopping at the boutiques and shoppes to demonstrate what class we belong to (the one that's better than yours).
In America, since when does one kind of store get
preference over another. What happened to the American tradition of open competition and free markets. Once you get a leftist defending the actions of the Dear Leaders, the masks tend to slip off. So this is about forcing people to go to more expensive stores to get what they want. And by the way, if they do that, the stock of supplies in these stores will be exhausted almost overnight while stuff wilts in the garden section down at Walmart.
Don't kid yourself. This isn't about controlling the spread of
Wuhan flu. It's about experimenting with social engineering. And how many of those beloved by the left Mom & Pop grocery stores sell plant sets, garden tools and big bags of fertilizer? It's true that you can still buy garden stuff in Michigan, at least until the shelves are Venezuela bare.Whitmer's executive order 2020-42 mandates that big box-type stores restrict access
to portions of their stores as a means of reducing the number of customers
in certain areas. Those sections include lawn and garden. Essentially
the order limits the purchase of gardening supplies, seeds, tools and
other necessary items for people to grow their own food at home, critics
Why pick on gardening supplies? It's easy to
maintain social distancing in a gardening section of a Walmart, Lowe's
or Home Depot, or a nursery. There's no logic to closing the gardening
section if you are going to leave other sections of the store open. The
Governor made sure she could still buy shoes, just not items you need to
grow food to prepare for the expected post Wuhan Flu food shortage or
to grow flowers to cheer up people depressed by the lockdown isolation.
Nope, she went with "Make America Great through protecting the ability of people who can't keep it zipped to
kill millions of unborn children. That's a philosophical contradiction too obvas Scrooge once put it, "...if
they're going to die, they'd better do it and thereby reduce the surplus
Because they can't completely
close the big box stores and leave the mom and pops open without getting
sued. So explain to me why she closed carpet and gardening departments
at Lowe's, Home Depot and Walmart and not in smaller stores. I'll tell
you. They're testing the waters. Trying to get people going back to
higher priced local stores because they think they need to get people
back to the kind of higher priced stores they shop at. Besides,
preferential treatment for smaller stores shows off their phony
anti-corporation moral superiority. It makes no sense to close the least
heavily trafficked areas of those stores. It's not like you're going to
be rubbing up against a lot of infected millenials amongst the tomato
How come it makes sense to
be forcing people to pay more to get their gardens going in a year when
ordinary working folk are not able to work and when they say we're going
to have massive food shortages because ..........Trump! Wouldn't it
make sense to make gardening more affordable to encourage people to
plant gardens to help feed themselves?
I hear Nancy Pelosi didn't have any trouble getting a
load of $13.99 a pint gourmet ice cream delivered to restock her
$26,000 sub zero freezers. Marie Antoinette once said, when told the
peasants were starving because they had no bread, "Let them eat cake." Pelosi, Whitmer and Queen Marie's comments seem strikingly similar in sentiment and completely out of touch with their "subjects".*
© 2020 by Tom King
*After writing this I found that they've eased off in Michigan on the garden centers. Apparently between the Catholic Church hitting her about closing garden centers and leaving abortion mills open and the wrath of Michigan's militant gardeners, she decided that she needed to open the garden centers to blunt that narrative a bit. I wonder if Gretchen has been having nightmares about guillotines lately.
An unapologetic collection of observations from the field as the world comes to what promises to be a glorious and, at the same time, a very nasty end.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Former First Lady Gets Less than Stellar Reviews on Her New Netflix Film
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About herself.... |
I'm sure Michelle Obama was expecting better reviews from the usually fawning media for her new Netflix film about herself. Titled "Becoming", the critics called Michelle's first big Netflix production “bland,” “self-celebratory,” and “paper-thin.” Of course immediately afterward the same critics made sure to let you know how awesome Mrs. Obama herself is.
Time magazine softened it's harsh judgment of the film by noting the Dear Leaderess “deserves more than a worshipful gaze” such that the documentary offered. Critic Stephanie Zacharek wrote that Michelle is so wonderful that she didn't need the documentary. “Obama deserves so much more than the worshipful glassy gaze of this documentary;" opined Zacharek. "She’s so far beyond it that it can barely contain her.”
Indiwire's Kate Erbland damned with moderate gushing. “While the film’s star and subject is never less than dazzling, even her most inspiring moments can’t obscure a paper-thin exploration of a remarkable life in transition.” She acknowledged that the film was "an unfocused collection of concepts," she went on to drool that every unfocused concept "could all inspire their own films.”
In promoting the film, Ms. Obama stated candidly that having children was a ‘concession’ that cost her her ‘dreams’. What a mom!
Honestly, I could NOT have read anymore. While I still maintain that what looks like an organized conspiracy is more often simply a sharing of basic ideas and values. The university professors of the United States have been enamored of socialism since the 19th century. Socialism promises those who educate America's future journalists, politicians and leaders, an exalted place in the new order. Remember, the same class of educated fools praised Hitler and Stalin, built statues to Mussolini in New York and openly thought that sterilizing and/or euthanizing people with disabilities, mental illness, and the useless elderly was a dandy idea. That sort of cold logic still underlies much if not most of academic thinking. Listen to professors talk fondly of "aborting" babies up to two years old if genetic defects are found in them or at the very least castrating them.
While I don't believe that the fawning movie critics are totally dishonest, (they did honestly report that the film was a poorly done puff piece after all), the could not leave it at that, but had to soften the blow with glowing praise for the subject of the film.
I don't think anybody paid these guys to sell their souls to kneel before the Lightbearer II, I do believe that their educational indoctrination enabled the to do no less. These journalists are more like worshipers than unbiased reporters. They blame the faults in the film on the filmmaker, saying it wasn't worthy of the Dear Leaderess, conveniently ignoring the fact that Michelle was the star of the show and that it was produced under the new contract that Netflix has with the Obamas to produce films for the movie streaming giant.
Try looking it up on Google or any browser really. You'll get page after page of "critical" reviews that basically say the film sucks, but Michelle shines! When have we ever heard a more disingenuous load of claptrap from supposedly hard-hearted journalists like the movie critic cadre? Hint: You probably won't.
Again, I don't think it's a conspiracy. I think it's worse. I think what we have is what happened to the Israelites who went over to the worship of Baal. They bought the easy lies they were told by the media, academia and the film industry equivalents of the time. Next thing you know, good Jewish parents were tossing their kids into the fires of Moloch. And how come these devilish forms of government always seem to want to kill children in large numbers?
Turns out Senator McCarthy may have been on to something after all when he started turning over rocks and finding communists. Perhaps there were communists after all! How else do you explain the fact that supposedly independent, unbiased journalists could not criticize a very bad film without softening the blow and kissing the ring of the self-centered narcissist who narrated the whole thing. Somebody's been passing out communist propaganda for so long that the rubes in our leader clas have, in disturbing numbers, bought that nonsense hook, line and sinker.
My worry is that this attitude is so pervasive that those of us who received at least part of our education from conservative and Christian teachers will soon be seen as enemies of the state or at least a threat to the new order. Some people already do if you listen to Bernie Sanders' supporters who speak openly of gulags for those who resist the progressive socialist movement.
To quote a tired maxim, "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, it's more than likely a duck!" In the same way, "If it looks like a socialist, talks like a socialist and walks like a socialist, it's very likely to set up gulags and commence firing up the furnaces."
© 202 by Tom King
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How Well is Sweden's CoVid-19 Strategy Working?
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Turns out the curve is headed into low-Earth orbit! |
The supposed Swedish herd immunity model has been touted lately as the way to go for the good old USA. Good old conspiracy theorists say it's best to go ahead and let everyone get it right away. Okay, I'm sorry but the "let everyone who's gonna die, go ahead and die" strategy doesn't much appeal to me - a 66 year-old diabetic with vicious arthritis. What's the advantage in that? Decrease the surplus population? How very Dickensian! I thought they said Obamacare wasn't going to do death panels. The herd immunity strategy doesn't work too well for those of us in the kill zone.
Meanwhile, the Swedish government flatly denies they are pushing any sort of herd immunity coronavirus strategy. I'm not sure they even have a coronavirus strategy. Perhaps they are hoping to wipe out some of those immigrant ghetto "no go" zones their police like to stay out of. I suppose if you want to thin out the immigrants, the infirm and the old people, it would certainly make national healthcare more affordable for the Swedish taxpayers who are left alive.
As it turns out, despite all the crowing by the media and assorted conspiracy theorists (most of whom are young and healthy and not likely to die from the virus), things are not going well in Sweden. So far their mortality rate is up around 12%*. That works out to be 4 times the worst predicted death rate in the USA. Per capita they have a whole lot more infections than the United States. Sweden is now the sixth worst hit nation on the planet so far. Interestingly all of the worst hit places (per capita) are in Western Europe except for China which is shaving their death totals quite shamelessly and probably have far more fatalities than they are admitting. Of course, since China has eased off the two child maximum laws, they are now facing a glut of old people, sick people and disabled people, which by sheer coincidence are the favorite targets for CoVid-19. I'm not saying they are deliberately killing people who are no longer useful, but even socialist here are saying never to "let a crisis go to waste".
Hooray for socialized medicine!
I'm just saying
© 2020 by Tom King*Current Swedish infection and death rate by CoVid-19.
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