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It's not about science. It's about power and the deception practiced by those who crave power. As Daniel Webster said once, "They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." |
Global Climate Change (aka global warming) is NOT a big conspiracy. It's a scientific controversy that has been co-opted and propagandized by political ideologues to create a narrative that says we humans should give up our liberties to socialist central planners in order to save the planet. Tragically, in the middle of all the politics, the real science that should be happening has been obscured, repressed, and funded out of recognition as pure science. When scientists' careers depend on their not challenging political dogma, science suffers.
Climate is an incredibly complex subject which has been emotionally charged because politics, religion and economics have all become entangled in what should be a strictly scientific issue. So instead of seeing computer climate models for what they are (theoretical guesswork), we've made them prophecy and enshrined the rhetoric of ideological profiteers like Al Gore and other so-called "climate warriors". Instead of healthy debate, we see dissenters silenced, ridiculed and marginalized n favor of a narrative dictated by globalist "progressives" who mean to be our masters.
We are currently in a cooling period thanks to a solar minimum that has reduced sunspot activity dramatically. The last big one of these we had, The Maunder Minimum, led to a period of climate change that, in Europe, was called "The Little Ice Age" and caused whole crops to be wiped out in some northern countries. England once had thriving vineyards that were killed out during the Maunder Minimum. Until someone hangs a thermostat on the sun, that great nuclear ball of fire in the sky will have far more to do with climate change than anything a scrabbling handful of people can do.
Should we clean up after ourselves? Sure. Should we minimize pumping smoke into the air? Probably, given the climate effects we see every time one of those big old volcanoes goes off and pumps the atmosphere full of dirt and smoke.
Should we enact draconian environmental laws, frighten children and place vast power in the hands of a gang of elitist central planners. NO! Unequivocally, no. That always turns out to be a very bad idea. Not that it won't happen. We could reach a tipping point soon where, thanks to relentless propaganda and fear-mongering, the citizens of Earth might well hand themselves and their futures over to what promises to be a wildly repressive oligarchy of progressive socialists.
Just look at how they go after anyone who opposes them by digging up dirt from their past, twisting the truth, and demonizing even their own people. Now imagine the global government secret police and how that's going to work out for anyone who complains about the universal low living standard being proposed by the very people who would cut the world's population in half to "save the planet".
We've seen how population controls work and the genocide that follows it as troublesome folk are removed because they threaten the power holders. The Beast thus created will be terrible to behold and this is the first time in history that we have the technology and the weapons to successfully manage a world population according to the dictates of an elite few. Now that we troublesome types can be hunted down with infrared trackers, our movements monitored by computer, our ability to buy and sell controlled by government agencies, and every word we've ever said online pulled up to be used to prosecute us using the over 2 million laws on the books in the United States alone, the end is coming sooner rather than later. In a way I'm glad I'm getting old. I weep for my children, though. It's not going to be pretty.
But, hey, Jesus is coming, so it'll be okay, no matter how badly the human race screws itself up trying to create a utopia for themselves without Him.
© 2018 by Tom King