Sunday, January 26, 2020

Cleaning Up After the Klanbake

Ah such fond memories of the Democrat
South that never happened if you
believe revisionist historians.
Some folks on the left are trying to rewrite history again. A guy claims that the 1924 Democrat convention wasn't nicknamed the "Klanbake" because of the heavy presence of the Ku Kux Klan at the convention. He further states there were no Klan present at the 24 convention and all those pictures were shot in Wisconsin.

These guys still they think that if they lie enough times they can think to change history to hide the racist roots of the party. Oh and before you tell me about the "Big Switch" and the Nixon's "Southern Strategy", don't bother. I have the actual statistics and true story and a couple of great Lyndon Johnson quotes you'll love and by that I mean hate. This social media site won't let you post actual photos of the convention. The left is desperate to erase uncomfortable facts about progressives.

Even Wikipedia has cleaned up references to the Klan presence at the 1924 Democrat Convention. Wikipedia now has added information about a supposed Klan presence at the Republican Convention and seems to say that the Democrats fought the Klan presence much harder than the Republicans did.

George Orwell predicted this in his book "1984".  While today's historical revisionism is less organized today that what's described by Orwell in the link above, in many ways its more effective. Since leftist professors are propagating this stuff in college classrooms to young people fresh out of woefully inadequate high schools, the "America is Evil" narrative has been insidiously injected into the culture without our notice. 

Democrat poster from the 1800s.
Pro-progressive professors like Howard Zinn in his "People's History of the United States get loving treatment in Wikipedia. Conservative contributors did get a few toned down shots at him way at the end of the Wikipedia article, but the article did lean more than a little left. Not surprisingly, Zinn has precious little to say in criticism of socialist monsters like Stalin and Mao, reserving his criticism for Hitler, whom he characterizes as a conservative just so the left won't have a monopoly on 20th century genocide and mass murder.

Let me just say this here before history is entirely erased - The Democrat Party was founded in racism. They fought a war to preserve slavery. They invented the Ku Klux Klan, cross burnings, segregation, Jim Crow laws and church bombings. That's their history and the Klan DID attend the 1924 Democrat Convention in force and in uniform. I don't care what leftist professors say. History is history. 

And history will come back to bite you in the butt even if you try to bury it.

© 2019 by Tom King 



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