Sunday, November 17, 2019

Berkely Prof Supports Bashing Rural Americans

Jackson Kernion, a University of California-Berkeley instructor and graduate student fired off a tweetstorm by posting this snotty comment on Twitter:
  • I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans. they, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions. Some, I assume are good people. But this nostalgia for some imagined pastoral way of life is stupid and we should shame people who aren't pro-city.
He deleted the tweet after he was hit by an angry tweetstorm and later he apologized for admitting that his remarks came across as “crass and mean.” Kernion, a graduate student at UC-Berkeley, teaches philosophy courses to undergrads. Apparently he over-estimated the power of his bully pulpit.

What happened with this pampered man-child is that, sheltered in academia, he absorbed all the progressive "secret knowledge" and came to believe everybody who is anybody was privy to and agreed to the left's ultimate goals including the human hive. I've sat in on the meetings in which pro-city progressives participated and heard them fantasize about everyone living in walled cities where you have to get permission to travel outside the walls (to protect the environment from human contamination). No cars of course; only public transit. My favorite was the idea that we would all carry personal transit Id's. These could be more easily tracked as a way to know where you go as much as possible. It would aid law enforcement to keep tabs on "criminals". I always felt like the guys talking about this stuff were looking at me.

This poor schmuck just had the temerity to openly express this grand plan for proper control of the "proletariat" in plain language where the rubes could hear it. He figured enough of the herd had swallowed the pro-city kool-aid to earn him chops as one of the great thinkers of our times.

Oops. It appears that he just had an episode of premature articulation.

© 2019 by Tom King