Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Good Enough for Government Work

I knew an old contractor once who used to tell me when I was obsessing on aligning some 2x4 exactly along the line, "It's good enough for government work." He went on to further explain. "You know how they do it in the government. Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with a piece of chalk, and cut it with an axe!"

Actually, he left out two steps. Today government works like this:

  1. First, a consultant conducts a quarter million dollar feasibility study, 
  2. An engineer measures it with a micrometer, 
  3. A contractor marks it with a piece of chalk
  4. An undocumented worker cuts it with an axe. 
  5. Then a Democrat takes credit for it or, if it falls down, blames it on a Republican.
© 2017 by Tom King

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