You cannot make this stuff up. Or maybe you can. Christians who have read Revelation immediately recognize this thing which purportedly was erected in front of the United Nations recently - unveiled as some religious websites put it. I'll do more research to verify, but so far it looks real. But then Satan's deceptions will always "look" real, so I remain skeptical.
Before I buy this story, however, someone needs to go over to the UN and snap a photo of this thing with their cellphone. Preferably several someones. The story feels off somehow. Either that or the "Beast" has offices at the UN and wanted a statue unveiled in tribute to his power and glory.
Before I buy this story, however, someone needs to go over to the UN and snap a photo of this thing with their cellphone. Preferably several someones. The story feels off somehow. Either that or the "Beast" has offices at the UN and wanted a statue unveiled in tribute to his power and glory.
Remember folks, the devil is a liar and loves nothing better than to get everyone looking the wrong way while he does his real evil somewhere else. He thinks we're all stupid and delights in making us look foolish. Sadly, many of us are trusting and, frankly, gullible and foolish.So if anyone is on the scene in New York and can verify this for us, I'll shelve it on my "smells funny" shelf next to the phony Patriot march in Washington this weekend.
The reason I know that the White Supremacist/Nationalist/Nazi march was phony was because the cops weren't arresting people or roughing them up had they been Trump supporters. Also, some of the "protestors" were downright prancing. Redneck white supremacists don't prance!
Still checking this out, but no mainstream sources yet are reporting it. The picture comes from a UN photo collection. Looks kind of cartoonish, but then a lot of Mexican art has that bright color pallet that gives that effect. If anyone in New York could get a photo other than the one above that's being passed around, we'd appreciate it.
It would be nice to have some "I got off the bus in front of the UN and holy crap, there it was right in front of me!" sorts of pictures.
For some reason there is a species of Christian who believes they are called to be God's public relations managers and are fully justified in making things up to make God look good. I mean this thing is really over-the-top, in-your-face, end-times "proof" stuff of the sort that runs around the net ever once in a while. I'm waiting for the smartphone photos from multiple sources before I fully believe this.
Jesus said, "Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves." Times like these call for us to sharpen our snakey senses and do some actual investigative reporting. If this is a fake, it shames conservative Christians. That's the very same thing the phony patriot protest a few days ago attempted to do. Only it's done by people who aren't leftists and supposed to be on our side.
God protect us from our enemies and too often, sadly, from our friends.
Just one man's opinion.
Tom King © 2021
Here's where this story came from.
Just one man's opinion.
Tom King © 2021
Here's where this story came from.
UPDATE: It appears that this thing is real. Seems the Dark Lord is growing more bold as Mordor rises....